bakon did this for me and dance , so I wanted to copy and paste what he said because now its about the two of you.
These two need to be our important project for next two weeks. We are a pretty experienced, educated group and need to focus on these two right now. Got lots going on to distract us with MQ hitting big day and the sticks current winning status. On to our new/old friends. Both have been around us before and have used boards so how are we to be different for them this time? Not so sure of answer, other than be there, a lot. I think even Humbled would have some things to say as one of the newer members. He has experienced the quit more recently and can still feel the work. As for what I will say, treat yourself everyday first two weeks. GO buy a candy bar, or magazine with that smoke money. Treat yourself to a pair of shoes or something small as a gift for making it two days, or one week. Nobody else is going to treat you for this work. Sorry, but even spouses wont know how hard you are working in those first weeks. Reward yourself, small things daily, large one when you think you earned it. Day 5 or Day 7. Party or night out you succeeded at not smoking. One week and two for sure. Dinner out, new hat, whatever you want, but usually skip because it can wait for birthday or other special occasion. That day has arrived. You are going to work though the urges, and they weaken everytime you beat one. Body will adjust to not having smoke, the urges will fight and bother you. FEEL THE HEAL. That pain is your body healing and the last throws of the nicotine trying to get you back. You get stronger everytime, and they get weaker. Feel the heal. Quiting is hard work. Nobody ever died from quiting and there is millions of quiters. No way your weaker mentally than all those others, so you cant fail IF YOU REALLY WANT TO QUIT. "The WANT" got to be the biggest part. I wanted to quit, I quit. Everyone else here did the same thing. We are a group, you are our people now.