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Everything posted by Sonic

  1. Sonic

    PC problems

    Try this Wendy
  2. Outstanding Lace. Great Job
  3. Congratulations Chrys. Nine months is awesome
  4. Sonic

    chicks or sticks

  5. Sonic

    chicks or sticks

  6. Congrats Stu. Diora agreed to play a round with ya
  7. Nope
  8. Sonic

    chicks or sticks

  9. -9
  10. Sonic

    chicks or sticks

  11. Sonic

    chicks or sticks

  12. Within ... 20 minutes Your blood pressure, pulse rate and the temperature of your hands and feet have returned to normal. 8 hours Remaining nicotine in your bloodstream has fallen to 6.25% of normal peak daily levels, a 93.75% reduction. 12 hours Your blood oxygen level has increased to normal. Carbon monoxide levels have dropped to normal. 24 hours Anxieties have peaked in intensity and within two weeks should return to near pre-cessation levels. 48 hours Damaged nerve endings have started to regrow and your sense of smell and taste are beginning to return to normal. Cessation anger and irritability will have peaked. 72 hours Your entire body will test 100% nicotine-free and over 90% of all nicotine metabolites (the chemicals it breaks down into) will now have passed from your body via your urine. Symptoms of chemical withdrawal have peaked in intensity, including restlessness. The number of cue induced crave episodes experienced during any quitting day have peaked for the "average" ex-user. Lung bronchial tubes leading to air sacs (alveoli) are beginning to relax in recovering smokers. Breathing is becoming easier and your lung's functional abilities are starting to increase. 5 - 8 days The "average" ex-smoker will encounter an "average" of three cue induced crave episodes per day. Although we may not be "average" and although serious cessation time distortion can make minutes feel like hours, it is unlikely that any single episode will last longer than 3 minutes. Keep a clock handy and time them. 10 days 10 days - The "average" ex-user is down to encountering less than two crave episodes per day, each less than 3 minutes. 10 days to 2 weeks Recovery has likely progressed to the point where your addiction is no longer doing the talking. Blood circulation in your gums and teeth are now similar to that of a non-user. 2 to 4 weeks Cessation related anger, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, impatience, insomnia, restlessness and depression have ended. If still experiencing any of these symptoms get seen and evaluated by your physician. http://whyquit.com/whyquit/A_Benefits_Time_Table.html
  13. HM!!!! Miss you!
  14. Sonic

    chicks or sticks

  15. Congrats Humbled!
  16. you could eat all the chocolate at willie wonkas I'd still ya
  17. I roll home a lot :)
  18. I hear ya love Ross ate way too much earlier too We should start a group :)
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-dbAzEERb8
  20. I think you should have got her a Jim Brown Jersey
  21. Emma and I watched the double repeat Christmas episode yesterday where they had to land in Denver and the gifts went somewhere else lol
  22. Every time I hear that song it reminds me of "The Game" Michael Douglas Great Freaking Movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiMhWBFj3J4
  23. It was Crushed!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Devil Doll

      Devil Doll

      No don't do your back hair! Do your chest hair and make sure a little bit peeks out the top of your shirt... and tell people not to make you angry because they wouldn't like you when you're angry. :D :D :D :D :D

    3. Sonic


      LOL :) I got pics

    4. Jenny


      My ex had back hair....You're not him are ya? lol

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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