What is going on? I'm past the two week mark and I thought things would be getting better but I swear they are not. I seem to be thinking about smoking almost every minute of every day! It starts out in the morning when I first wake up wanting a smoke, and then the thoughts just permeate every thing going through my mind for the rest of the day. I try to keep busy with iPad games, reading, walking, cooking, and keeping an eye on this site but there's still a lot of time that I'm not really doing anything. I'm trying though! (In case you didn't know I live rurally without a car so getting away is impossible).
It doesn't help the environment I'm living is pretty negative. I'm in my parents' house and when they're talking I swear they're fighting. You can cut the tension around here with a knife. My relationship has also changed with my mother since I quit smoking. We used to hang out and talk together while we were smoking and now that's gone. I've tried to make special time with her but she always has an excuse for not having the time (which is crap, she's retired and has plenty of time). I've even brought up my concerns about our relationship with her and I just get an eye roll.
My life will change in the Spring when I'll hopefully get a car and can begin my own life again but until then, I'm stuck in this stressful living environment, constantly wanting a smoke and so far I've been good but I don't how long I can sustain this non smoking thing! I don't even just want a puff, I just straight up think about giving up completely and going back to a pack a day.