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Everything posted by sgt.barney

  1. You needn't listen to the poppycock about "tak[ing] the Nope pledge". It is unnecessary. Sarge has never pledged, here nor The Other Place ... Neither in The Pledge Post, nor any other A "pledge" is bullsh|t. Hundreds here. Thousands elsewhere. Millions everywhere, each and every year participate in some sort of pledge or promise... And yet they still smoke. A pledge is neither necessary, nor sufficient ... and for most it is a lie. The only thing that matters is to ACTUALLY PRACTICE Nope. Practicing Nope is both necessary, and sufficient. ALL successful quitters live the Nope. Anyone can write/say some words and pledge the Nope. Successful Quitters live the Nope. EZPZ
  2. Vaping is dumbassery. EZPZ
  3. Absolutely nothing. There is an end, folks, it does go away. EZPZ
  4. Thousand of dollars a year on smokes ... and yet there is no extra money by quitting. It's all spent on travel to the world's premier climbing locations ... and climbing gear. A much healthier hobby. Suprisingly: considerably safer, too. EZPZ
  5. Stop deciding to try. Instead, decide to quit. It makes ALL the difference. EZPZ
  6. Hmmmmm ... EZPZ
  7. The Sarge says again, with emphasis: It's not at all a problem if you don't want it to be. You have a choice here. EZPZ
  8. Mrs. Sarge smoked for close to 3 years after The Sarge quit. (She's been quit 4 years now) At all times there were packs of smokes laying around, ashtrays all over the house, cartons in the cabinet/pantry ... How do you deal with it? You don't. There is nothing to "deal with". You are quit and your spouse is not. No. Big. Deal. You just carry on with your plan. It was never a problem for The Sarges. It won't be a problem for you if you don't want it to be. If you are hedging for excuses, this it the perfect excuse. Don't. Do. That. It's not at all a problem if you don't want it to be. EZPZ
  9. The First Step is to quit lying. Nothing but 100%, brutal, in-your-face honesty can support a successful quit. Anything less is guaranteed failure. Guaranteed. Failure. Case In Point: (1) It was NOT "suddenly" ... at least no more "sudden" than any other cigarette you've ever smoked in your life. (2) There was FULL, conscious and willing "realiz[ation]" on your part of what you were doing. Before. During. After. (3) Your husband shares ZERO contributory blame. None. Diddley-Squat-F*ck-All. The Second Step is to internalize this: No one can help you but you. It is 100% your doing (and un-doing, as the case may be. ) We can't do it for you. No one can. We can't even help you - for you will do what you're gonna do regardless of any so-called "help" you get here (or anywhere else). *** These two steps are ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED ... or you will fail yet again. The Sarge suggests you start there, with those two highlighted points up there. EZPZ
  10. Nobody can help you but you. When you want to quit, you will quit. When you don't want to quit, you will continue to fart around. Only you can choose one way or the other. Don't look to us. We can't do it for you. ezpz
  11. O rly? ezpz
  12. sgt.barney


    The slightest hint of Dishonesty and The Sarge automatically assigns them a big fat "NO GO" at this station. Move along, you're wasting everyone's time. Seeing who's obviously gonna fail is not too difficult. Seeing who will make it is not quite as easy. There's a whole lot of middle ground where "maybe they'll make it ... maybe they wont" ... and The Sarge confesses: some of you have surprised him. On both sides of that grey zone. EZPZ
  13. Peas taste waaaay better. Beans are waaaaaay easier in The Gardens. EveryDamnedThing is a TradeOff. What are your priorities? EZPZ
  14. To be fair - The Sarge only gets up here 3 or 4 times a year. He is no longer a "regular", but sporadic here-and-there as (limited)time allows. EZPZ
  15. You are not so much "overwhelmed" as "looking for excuses". Stop that. Stop it now. Recognize it for what it is and do not find the excuse. EZPZ
  16. > I'm concerned that I didn't get to properly have my last cig. >One can argue whether a proper goodbye is really needed but my bigger concern is this lack of goodbye maybe what makes me relapse. There is no "last" - only "the next". A continuous, never-ending chain of The Next. You know this. You experienced damned near 2 continuous decades of The Next. One after another. Hour after hour. Day after day ... Even when you have the so-called "last" you will still have the same concerns about The Next ... and the next ... and the next. It is the fundamental nature of addiction. The thing that keeps folks coming back for more. The driver of relapses. You have had your "last". All you need do now is NEVER, under any circumstances, have The Next. Do this, and you are Quit Forever. EZPZ 
  17. Something is most definitely "off". Namely: you quit smoking. EZPZ
  18. Don't include all of us in your "we". The Sarge will NEVER relapse. Those who relapse, do so for one and only one reason : they smoked tobacco. EZPZ
  19. "Ready" is a limitless, neverending excuse. Quit now. EZPZ
  20. They were all easy. You just don't know it yet. EZPZ
  21. Early payout on that Life Insurance Policy? EZPZ
  22. No. You don't ... and No. You aren't. EZPZ
  23. As Sarge approaches his 7th year he wishes to reiterate: It's only quitting, folks. It ain't the end of the world. It ain't even the end of your life. It's only the end of your smoking. Hardly an inconvenience and totes worth it. EZPZ

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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