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Everything posted by sgt.barney

  1. The American Paw Paw ( Asimina triloba ) is not the same as the tropical Papaya (Carica papaya) There is much confusion over this : "American pawpaw (note the different spelling) on the other hand is an entirely different fruit not related to the tropical Carica papaya from which Australian red papaya and yellow papaw come. American pawpaw is also known as -poor man's banana? and is the fruit of the Asimina triloba tree." Much confusion ... They are, in fact, not the same at all. Easy Peasy
  2. They're Paw Paw seeds. They get soaked in warm water tonight. Put in a bag full o' dirt and in about 8 weeks I get sprouting and then they'll look like this guy's seeds with a taproot coming out: Then they get planted in pots for 2 years - they don't like direct sunlight the first few years, so pots to move 'em into the shade. Then the 3rd year they go out in the orchard. Anywhere from year 6 to 10 they should be producing mondo amounts of fruit. Felix is standing next to what looks like about a 6 or 7 year old, with some fruiting going on, eating the Yum Yum in this video: FYI - you'll never find a Paw Paw in a store. They ripen, and are only good for about 4 days. Can't ship, sell, store, etc in 4 days - they go bad before the store can sell 'em. The only way is to have some of your own trees and DIY. Easy Peasy
  3. The Sarge has decided to expand the Orchard with a good old-fashioned Paw Paw Patch. It's a bit early to tell ... How do they look so far?? Easy Peasy
  4. sgt.barney

    I am here.

    Double plus good! [1] Eezy Cheezy FOOTNOTE: [1] Although The Sarge believes "flames" to be too good for management (The Harpie and Just Jack)
  5. That's why The Sarge left. ... and then he was Banned ... and then he was Perma-Banned ... and then his IP was blocked[1] [2] Easy Peasy FOOTNOTES: [1] Apparently they're ignorant enough of The Interwebs that things like DHCP Leases and Anonymous Proxies are light-years beyond their comprehension. [2] Next The Sarge is expecting The Harpie and Just Jack to send out Vinnie and Guido to TakeCareOfBusiness™ and bust some kneecaps if the IP blocking doesn't work (and it won't)
  6. <== Why yes -- yes I believe I have.[1] Chunkey Monkey FOOTNOTE: [1] First instance of FirstPersonSarge™ on this new forum. EDIT: Added footnote.
  7. Scott's right. If you've been running less than 18 months or so - SLOW THE FARK DOWN. You're probably going too fast, too hard, and maybe too far (stay under 10 miles until at least a year) Cheesy Squeezy
  8. Has anyone "quit" crack cocaine by switching from smoking in a bong or glass crack-pipe -vs- smoking it in a tobacco pipe? Are they really "quit" by switching delivery methods of the same drug? How 'bout if they switch to crushing the rock and snorting it instead of smoking.it? Yeah. That's how The Sarge sees it. Use your NRT if it helps, but you ain't "quit" nothin' until you're off the juice. Zero nicotine. Zero. Nada. Nothin'. Zilch. When your nicotine intake is exactly Diddley-Squat, then and only then have you quit. Anything else is just a "quit*" with both asterisk and parenthetical explanation of exactly how the non-quit is, in fact, a quit. Classic Junkie, right? Easy Peasy
  9. But, actually ... we definitely did. Easy Peasy
  10. Cheezy Squeezy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jimmy


      super duper

    3. Holski


      Awwww, this is Awesome Opossum! (you can't say the "O", though"

    4. Petra

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