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Everything posted by sgt.barney

  1. What is this "comfort" of which you speak? The Sarge does not understand. Easy Peasy
  2. Oink! Sarge is getting Olde. Stepping down most races this year to The Half Marathon (13.1 miles) Top 4% overall (497th out of 11,526). Not bad for an Olde Pharte GreyBeard, right? 1:41:36(7:46/mile) - a new record on that verrrry hilly course for The Sarge. Mrs. Sarge did even better at a top 2% (actually 1.6%) for her age group (female, age 40-44) - she's in medal contention next year's field as she breaks into a new age group and will be the young pup. Easy Peasy
  3. Bread is not the enemy. Salads and veggies are not a Magic Silver Bullet. Fruit will not cure what ails the "whale". If you want to be successful, keep eating what you've been eating your whole life (you're gonna, anyway, no matter what you think at the moment. ) You only need change one thing. Only one. Change how much you eat. Reduce to a *reasonable*, **sustainable** Calorie Deficit and The Magic you seek appears as summoned. Easy Peasy (On a downward then for 4 years now, currently down 54 pounds from the high)
  4. If you feel the need for "validation" ... you're doin' it wrong. Easy Peasy
  5. We signed up for USAF (United States Air Force) Marathon today, our annual favorite. Sadly,with a heavy and reluctant heart, Sarge has dropped to The Half (13.1) this year while Mrs. Sarge signed on for the Full Monte (26.2). Can't quite make the training commitment for a full again this year. Think this is our 4th time on this course ... and the first time we wont be starting together on the same race. We usually ran the first 13 together, and then split off onto our own separate paces at the halfway mark for the backside 13. Should be both a course PR and an overall PR at that distance for Sarge. Goal of anything 1:32:00 -ish. Easy Peasy
  6. Running. Is. Amazing. Easy Peasy
  7. Did someone say "sausage" ? Easy Peasy
  8. Did ... did someone say "sausage" ... ? Easy Peasy
  9. You should always finish the bottle. Always. Finish it and make more. Sarge makes his own wine. Easy Peasy
  10. 15k (9.3 miles) @ 1:07:29 (7:16/mile) The hills were horrible. Had a 6:50/mile pace goal. The hills quickly kicked that down to 7:15/mile. https://scontent-1.2914.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/10981065_922148354472399_3505981781470541204_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoibCJ9 Easy Peasy
  11. Cold turkey is best turkey. Easy Peasy
  12. Great run today, even if it was in the basement. 5-miler, basement treadmill @32:44 (6:32/mile) Fastest 5-miler in 3 years... but not quite an Olde Pharte PR yet (32:03 back in 2012)...and nowhere near a lifetime PR (17-year-old Sarge could go sub-30) Last real workout before Sunday's 15k at the Heart Mini Marathon 15k (9.3 miles)
  13. Welcome to The Crab Bucket. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality Easy Peasy
  14. Embrace The Suck! Easy Peasy
  15. There is one, and ONLY one escape, right? You know what to do... Easy Peasy
  16. Little secret: Sarge *was* sucking it in ...
  17. 38 inch waist to 30 inch. It was bad.
  18. Frank is my hero. Easy Peasy
  19. Wanna see somethin' funny? https://scontent-1.2914.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/10952998_898026266884608_1407735462484452103_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoibCJ9 Howdaya like dem apples? We call that the "Second Trimester" pic.
  20. Too late for Sarge. His abs popped last month. ;) Took 3 months of (!hard!) diet. Abs are all about the kitchen - diet and get that body fat down low low low. Workouts are pretty much unimportant if you want abs. You can do all the workouts you want - planks, crunches, situps, <whatever> - but if you don't get that fat down below 15%-ish for female, 11%-ish for male ... unless you get that ridiculously low, you won't see the beautiful abs you're creating. They'll remain buried under that layer. Start your ab workout - but hammer down that diet FIRST. Otherwise you'll just be spinning your wheels with no results. Babsie Absy
  21. Sarge set a new OldMan PR during this morning's training run: 10k (6.2 miles) @ 39:36 (6:23/mile) Still a loooooong way to go to beat 17-year-old Sarge, but 45-year-old Sarge is a happy camper today. First race of the Spring season in less than 2 weeks. Looking for an age-group medal. Top 3 in the old man 45-49 age group for the 15k (9.3 miles) @ http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Affiliate/2015-Heart-Mini_UCM_317611_Event.jsp
  22. sgt.barney


  23. sgt.barney


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