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Everything posted by sgt.barney

  1. Not only does "it get better", but it goes away. It. Goes. Away. All you have to do is wait it out. It. Goes. Away. Gone. Easy Peasy
  2. WKRP
  3. Uhhh ... relax? Easy Peasy
  4. Post? She doesn't even like to online. Not her thing. Easy Peasy
  5. Pffft. Sarge's Wife smoked full-time the entire first three years of his quit.[1] Father smokes. Mother had just recently quit and was a part-timer. Best friend and neighbors all smoked. Mind over matter, Bro - if you don't mind, it don't matter, right? It just doesn't matter. Easy Peasy FOOTNOTES: [1] BTW - Mrs Sarge passed her 6-month a few days back. Woot!
  6. The road is what it is, regardless of anyone's particular view.
  7. Sarge really doesn't know how to say this but here it is: There ain't no end. The road goes on. Even after we're long gone, right? Easy Peasy
  8. It's not crap. Quitting can be easy, or it can be difficult ... and you control that. You have a choice. You. Embrace The Suck and it becomes as Easy Peasy as you want it to be. Anyone can make quitting difficult/hard/impossible, right - but why would you want to do that? Easy Peasy
  9. Sarge has been called many things over the years but never ... never a "wristwatch". Easy Peasy
  10. What the Doofus is a "jeck" FYI - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=doofus Easy Peasy
  11. Wait -wut? Nobody told Ol' Sarge that The Doofus goes away. He's even more of a Doofus now, right. Easy Peasy
  12. What you did there ... Sarge sees it. Easy Peasy
  13. You've got it all wrong. Sarge is an AssHat, not an assclown ... mmm-kay? Easy Peasy
  14. Monday? What's wrong with today. Right now? Easy Peasy
  15. One day, you will get it. Remember this post on that day. You will think to yourself(among other things): "Holy crap, I was so full of sh/t, wasn't I?" That day ... Remember The Sarge told you so. You're welcome. Easy Peasy
  16. All Sarge hears is excuses. Do you want to quit ... or keep coming up with bullsh!t reasons why you won't? Easy Peasy
  17. Uhhh ... Getting tossed out of The Other Place? Easy Peasy
  18. Enduring discomfort is *The KEY* to everything. EVERYTHING. The more you can Embrace The Suck and drive on ... the better off you are in almost everything in life, right? Job. Diet. Exercise. Quitting. Relationships. School. Family... Almost anything you can think of, the more discomfort you can cope with, the better off and that much farther you'll be ahead of everyone else. Learn to Embrace The Suck. Endure the discomfort. It puts you waaaaay ahead of everyone else. In everything. Easy Peasy
  19. It's not "kept" from anyone. Willfull ignorance and denial in support of our self-imposed sphere of stupidity, right? Easy Peasy
  20. You forgot the "h"
  21. 2.5 hours for Sarge.
  22. Blueberries want acidic soil. Get that pH down to 5.0 - 5.5 any way you can. Coffee grounds, pine needles, sulfur, peat. There's a fertilizer for hydrangeas (acid lovers too), hell Sarge has even mixed vinegar in the watering to acidify the soil. Don't do it too fast but a little bit over several years. It generally takes us about 5 years from planting a 2 or 3 year-old store-bought plant for any decent production, and 6 or 8 years if we grow our own from seed ... but then after that it's 40 to 50 years of production. They live a Loooooong time. Mulch the hell out of 'em. Deep and wide. They have a shallow root system that won't go very deep seeking water, so protect the shallow surface water with mulch. You'll also need bird protection in a few years or you'll get nothing for your efforts and the birds' bellies will be full of all your hard work.
  23. Quitting smoking once scared you, too, right? Easy Peasy
  24. Marathon.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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