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Everything posted by sgt.barney

  1. He usually doesn't leave before telling successful quitters they're all wrong about how to make quitting work... because he knows A Better Way. Sarge hasn't seen that yet this time. Yet ... Easy Peasy
  2. IMG=thatsthejoke.jpg It is as easy or as difficult as you choose to make it. Easy Peasy
  3. Sarge predicts they will "be understanding" ... yet nothing will change and they will still smoke. Easy Peasy
  4. Not in your own home you didn't. Easy Peasy
  5. <sigh> ... If its not for and you'll be leaving, then, Adios - your prerogative. Sarge reiterates: You can not win at this game without that kind of blunt honesty. And adds at this time: running away and hiding from it doesn't help at all. At. All. Sarge is here to help you quit, not stroke you feel-goodies and give you warm-and-fuzzies. Until you can repeat all of what was said in his post above without making you "feel like crap" ... and until you know and understand what it means, without taking offense nor ruining your day ... then your chances are slim. And yes, Virginia, Sarge was a Fat Man. 60 pounds overweight. A *Very Fat Man*. By choice. He put himself there. It was his choice. It wasn't the Alcohol. It wasn't the Pizza. It wasn't the office parties with donuts and cookies, nor the stressful holiday gatherings with enormous turkey dinners. It was Sarge. All Sarge. 100% within his control. (See how Easy Peasy that was?) Now he has made a better choice. You can, too, but not without the honesty, and certainly not by running and hiding from same. It start here: "I am an addict." Can you say it? Easy Peasy
  6. Leave ... or Deal with it. > Other than talking with them about it, or their rental agency, or the homeowner himself, I don't know what can be done What would you have done as a smoker, right? We all - all of us, would have laughed that one off. Sarge just thinks of it as PayBack. It's our turn now. Easy Peasy
  7. It's not breakfast (Sarge hasn't eaten breakfast regularly since High School (30+ years ago)). It's not blood sugar levels (Sarge was diagnosed "pre-diabetic" mere months before quitting, and has been both hyper, and hypo glycemic at times while getting the diet/exercise under control (totally solid "normal" blood glucose for 3 years running now -- it's amazing what losing 60-ish pounds, a good, solid diet, and exercise can do!)... and yet didn't smoke. Call it what it is: you were a Junkie wanting The Fix and you gave in. You. Gave. In. Simple as that. You can't win at this game without that kind of blunt honesty. Say it: "I had a choice." "I gave in the The Junkie" "I CHOSE to smoke." "It wasn't the blood sugar". "It wasn't the recently found cigarettes" "It wasn't the wine" "It was me" "ALL me and ONLY me." "Me." Easy Peasy
  8. > It was November 17, 2004, the eve of the 28th Great American Smokeout... Coincidences, right? Sarge accidentally quit on The Great American Smokeout, 2011 (Nov 17th). It was unintentional - pure random chance. Didn't know it until several months later. Easy Peasy
  9. Mind over matter. If you don't mind ... it don't matter. Easy Peasy
  10. Sarge *knows* he has done permanent, long-term damage to himself. 27 years of 30-a-day doesn't buy a Pass. The only questions are "When will it show up?" and "How bad will it be?" The good news is, statistically (barring obvious statistical outliers like your step-pops) - the sooner we quit, the better off we are. Quit now, folks. Easy Peasy
  11. Watch them smoke. Have your crave(s). By now, you know how to handle a crave. Deal with it. You can't avoid smokers your whole life, can you? Easy Peasy
  12. Sarge understands probability and statistics. As such he hasn't ever bought a ticket - not even so much as a scratch off. Waste of money. That being said: (1) Legal name change. (2) Disappear for a year overseas (or however long you have to collect). (3) Show up and collect (4) A second legal name change (5) Disappear and travel the world for 3 more years. By then, the looters, beggars, and low life types should have long since given up. Easy Peasy
  13. Sarge is a BeachBody fan, doing a cycle each of P90X, Insanity, and Body Beast (plus a cycle of Couch Potato) every year for the last 4 years. Easy Peasy
  14. Does anyone here remember Vera Lynn? Easy Peasy
  15. sgt.barney

    I am....

    Bah Humbuging Easy Peasy
  16. Double Stack Easy Peasy
  17. It, indeed, CAN, in fact be too late. Don't let it get to be too late, right? Easy Peasy
  18. The year? Very important. The ticker? An irrelevant raster image file beamed over http. Sarge assures you: at some point you won't give a rats ass about any ticker, it will have been years since you've seen it, the numbers and calculations will be a faded memory, decades gone ... but the important fact will remain - you will still be a nonsmoker, ticker or not. Easy Peasy
  19. Ticker? It ain't important. Just keep on keepin' on. Easy Peasy
  20. At least once a month, right? Easy Peasy
  21. Sarge just has a hate/hate arrangement. He hates it. Totally. But he must run. He must ... or he's a fat, overweight, arthritic, hypertensive, high cholesterol, borderline diabetic, smoker. If he does not run, he becomes, once again, all of those (and worse). So ... Sarge must run, and run he does. Run, Sarge, run. Easy Peasy
  22. This was Sarge's name when he joined this forum. He thinks he'll keep it a while ... Easy Peasy
  23. At least another 30 ... 35 to go. We'll see you there, too. Easy Peasy
  24. Cut that shit out, right? Easy Peasy

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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