I quit cold turkey so i knew that the first few days will be tough, and if i can get past that then i can truly give it up completely. The first day will be bad and you will often feel the urge to light up but you also become more aware of your triggers. On the second day you first feel proud that you could actually go without a smoke for one entire day and for me that was huge motivation to carry on for another day. On the third day, you are even more proud of your accomplishments, there are still strong urges to smoke at times, but it is less frequent now. On the fourth day i saw a drastic reduction in my desire to smoke and the urges were reduced substantially as well. I remember on this day i had to drive for a good hour for a long meeting with a client, and normally after such a meeting i would have been running back to my car to grab a smoke, but this time i did not feel like i needed it and this was an awesome feeling.
Remember that when you were smoking you were essentially taking a break from an activity, and i felt that it was important to still takes those breaks when you get the urges, but now fill those breaks with other tasks. I started browsing the news, taking a walk, eating a few snacks, and yes drinking lots of water.