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Everything posted by JackiMac

  1. I would love to go to one of those rooms on stilts in the Bahama's or somewhere as exotic, where the sea is clear beneath you and you can see the fish swimming around, the sand is so clean, Eygypt is somewhere else I would love to go, Back to my land of Birth - Norway and see the Northern Lights, so much of the world to see,
  2. As we all know quitting smoking is a personal journey for everyone. We all have the same ultimate goal and that is to stop smoking and become a non smoker. This is my third and last quit in a year, I do not intend to ever go back to smoking again, I relapsed twice and every time I feel the crave begin I think back to how I felt immediately after re-lighting a cigarette, but how did I reach those points how did I come to relapse. The addiction talked to me and I listened. It kept telling me how sweet it would be to smoke again, it kept telling me how much I missed the taste of smoke, how much I needed the high from smoking, and me well I listened to all the lies, I wasn't strong enough to stop these thoughts. I am going to let you all know how I am dealing with the addiction talking to me and how I am dealing with them. Might be good for all you long term quitters to lets us know how you dealt with the addiction when it talked to you to. Addiction. Morning Jackie, remember me, remember how much you used to love me.... Me. Uhuh Addiction. Imagine how good it would feel to have another one eh eh eh waddyathink??? Me. Ummmm Hell no do you think Ive come this far, worked this hard to just let you weed your way back into my life. Addiction. Awww come on one, thats all just one, you know you want to ...... Me. NOPE, sorry I love my life now, without your nasty chemical taste, without your choking smoke, you will not take back over my life again....... Addiction. are you really really sure Jackie........ Me YES Just make sure that your voice is louder than the addiction,
  3. cartwheeling............here
  4. Ross miss you on here, but your wonderful 18 month no smoking life is beckoning, great going check in and let us know how you are xxx
  5. half a year, 6 months, in the middle, however I look at it Jess , it looks damn amazing absolutely brilliant BOOOOM big hugs to you xxx
  6. Just checking and taking orders for the special little white jackets, they come in various sizes and have additional extra's like, flip flops, open arms for the tattoo's to be on show, I have special pockets for all my toys, buy one get one free just now, they also glow in the dark, so when we are all down at the Dirty Cooter, the flourescent light should show up all the pizza markings, occifers are exempt just because they patrol the streets in their birthday suits, now this delivery should be coming via Jimmy in his new van with the square wheels, Bat is going to be escorting him down the main street seeing as most of the resident's are currently lying with Gemzee and Gabby, and its a bit of a assault course going round the bodies, absolutely love this community just imagine all of us headbanging in our white suits at Sonic's concert with Bakon's and Bandito's bits on show :blink:
  7. Hey CPK excellent post, stay focused and plan your goal, determination is the name of the game, loving this spirit of yours xxx
  8. Don't allow that little thought in your head to grow, NOPE Gabby, I threw away a 7 month quit and deeply regret it, for wha,t a nasty stinky smelling cancer killing stick of nothing. xxx
  9. scary scary isnt it, whilst we smoked we never gave a thought to how many and the cost, seeing it in black and white well wow amazing babs, so proud of you xx
  10. Hi and welcome on board the QT, educate yourself on your addiction and prepare yourself for a life changing journey, NOPE is the way forward looking forward to sharing your journey with you xx
  11. Not picking up my toys, staying in my corner

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tink


      Will chocolate entice you out Jackie?

    3. JackiMac


      love you guys xxx

    4. Tink


      Luvs you too x

  12. 10 months is like you Gabby Amazing...2 months and counting ,.xxx
  13. Off to work its a NOPE from me xx
  14. that's it throwing my toys out of my pram and sulking :angry:
  15. ahem.........................I'll just sit in the corner will I :(
  16. Awesome Karl, not once but twice, you cannot celebrate quitting enough one month is fantastic
  17. Ask, Believe, Receive
  18. Feeling sorry for myself full of the cold but still a NOPE
  19. Fantastic , lets all do the no nicotine shuffle, you got this in the bag be proud xx
  20. two of my wobbles became huge big falls, not going there again, if I wobble now, I stay strong and true to my quit, I want to march on CPK. xxx
  21. Doreen much love to you lovely lady, and thank for for reminding us of the stark truth of what can happen....... Went to work today to help out, met my work colleague on the stairs, asked him if he was ok............No lost his gran last night, pneumonia, had been on oxygen for months, heavy smoker........................lost his grandad just before Christmas, heart gave out, heavy smoker.............heartbreaking.............xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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