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Everything posted by JackiMac

  1. Trish, don't ever ever give up trying to quit, its hard, it sucks, it makes you so frustrated sometimes, angry with the world, full of pity, and many more emotions, but these emotions are everyday emotions, smoking is just an addiction and the addiction is making you use all these emotions as excuses, its time to STOP its time to start learning what is important in life, that is YOU don't allow something as deadly as smoking to control your life, you need to take control, don't allow the addiction to grow inside you any longer, if you feel angry use the anger in a positive way, get angry at smoking....its going to kill you! if you feel pity, feel pity at all the other smokers out there, you've quit, you've done it, every coin has two sides Trish it all depends on whether you want it to be heads or tails, we are all here for you xx
  2. Soozie well done, I can imagine the thoughts in your head while watching your daughter's eyes grow wider, had me laughing, I act all brave with spiders, can do the plastic bit and cardboard bit quite well, but see if they move and start waving their hairy little legs around (remind us of a kilt wearing scotsman lol) I just throw the whole lot and scarper, we get huge big grass spiders in our house, normally the cats chase and eat them but these buggers bite!! The cats soon drop them then my feet are up on the chair trying to remain calm while all the while shouting SPIDER, x
  3. I'm back to the smoking dreams and the broken sleep at the moment! But its all worth it because I don't smoke, am crabbit as hell and apparently am snarling like a rotweiller but hey I don't smoke. :D
  4. Laura hunny how you doing now? Please don't feel you have let anyone down, I havent drunk since last October in preparation for my smoking quit, as all your inhibitions and logic are out of the window when you are drunk, please come back on, dust yourself down Learn from this, thats the most important thing, learn from it and put what you have learnt into your new quit, don't leave it too long because it only takes a couple of cigarettes for the addict to have you back inside his web of lies, we are all here, we don't judge Laura because at one point or another we have all been where you are right now, we care Laura because we want you to succeed x
  5. been a good day, my boy's birthday not long in and a happy tired xx

  6. 9 Months is amazing Paula be proud xx
  7. Congrats Rob be proud x
  8. Julie absolutely fantastic, 3 months is brilliant, proud of you xx
  9. Hi Laura good to see you and thanks for the update, your doing great, I stopped drinking way before I attempted to stop smoking, as I know myself when drink is involved I would smoke, keep the mindset that you do not smoke, you are a non smoker, do not be tempted to have just one puff as you know where that will go, go out enjoy yourself and wake up the next day still a non smoker :D
  10. Juan the addiction makes you fear the quit, you need to get that straight, the addiction is strong but you have to be stronger, yes its uncomfortable and scary, but as each day goes by it gets easier to deal with, your allowing the fear to grow, we are here to support and offer advice to you but we cannot make you keep the quit, you have to do that and you have to believe that you can do that, that's all it really is Juan a belief that you are stronger than the addiction and you will overcome smoking, you don't need it, it does nothing to better your life, its not glamorous, it's life threatening Juan, it will kill you, it will make you suffer, we all have been where you are and we all know the fear you are feeling, but take a step ahead and free yourself while you still can,
  11. Congratulations on 3 weeks your doing brilliant
  12. Rez amazing, 6 months is fantastic be proud x
  13. Yes sometimes life hits us with a bang its horrible when it happens, big hugs to you and hope you feel ok soon xx
  14. This is soooo funny LadyB fast or slow music? lol
  15. Dors must be a huge weight of your shoulders, well done and so proud of you xx
  16. Well Done Ross so proud of you, xx
  17. Hi KS great to see you on board at last, xx
  18. JackiMac

    This or That!

    football run or walk
  19. she heard
  20. JackiMac

    This or That!

    hotdogs milk or cream
  21. JackiMac

    chicks or sticks

  22. Gorgeous Pic Julie and wee fella is absolutely adorable xx
  23. I just want to be able to post graphics :( thats all just one if I could only post one lol Help!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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