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Everything posted by JackiMac

  1. JackiMac


    Well Done Evelyn you did fantastic
  2. JackiMac

    VA KA

    Bakon and Mrs B....have a wonnerful wonnerful, hodilay, chillax and enjoy you both deserve it xx
  3. 10 Months is fantastic Petra, be proud xx
  4. JackiMac


    Evelyn late to the SOS, how you doing, I hope and pray you kept your quit, NOPE NOPE SNOT SNOT repeat over and over if you have to there is no option, there is no excuse, you do not need cigarettes, it is just a thought, and if you feed it, it will grow, do not feed the thought Evelyn, you've got hell week wrapped up and tied with a bow, please don't undo it.
  5. Totally agree Rob, and If I withdrew sexual favours, my OH would be attached to my leg...........just saying lol
  6. Hi Laura lots of good advice already above for you, but please as Rob said remove all smoking nasties from your house, if I get a really bad craving thought in my head, I have nothing here no emergency pack, no lighters etc, my son smokes but I just sit and relax and realise its just a thought in my head, Im not going to feed it or help it to grow bigger, its difficult..........yes, it makes me uncomfortable.............sometimes........but its just a thought DO NOT ALLOW IT TO GROW, and repeat after me NOPE............and breath and again NOPE ..............
  7. Holski, when the addict thought comes into your head, it can be so difficult to get rid off, I know this from previous relapses over the years, but you admitted it and your straight back on here, good for you, deep breaths and remember NOPE and SNOT and we are all here to help xx
  8. Doreen YAY on 9th months, it's so fantastic we had to repeat it twice xx
  9. Marti all the emotions you are going through are completely normal and healthy, if you think back to when you were a smoker, when you were angry, sad, happy, depressed, how did you deal with those emotions ...yip with a cigarette so your normal healthy emotions were not allowed to flow freely, now they are and it is a jolt to your system because you are not used to these strange feelings, the cigarettes masked them before. I suffer from depression and have done for years, got lots of happy pills and I love them lol. When I was visiting my GP in the early stages of my quit and taking the Champix my GP told me that cigarette smoking actually increased depression in people!! didn't know that. Emotions are a way of expressing ourselves, cigarette smoking isnt, in time I believe that we will learn to chanel our emotions correctly, just now they kind of go BLEURRGHHH xx
  10. Have never watched this series but would love to, even simply to watch mads mikkelsen! My TV is hogged each night by my OH playing X box!
  11. JackiMac

    Nicely Put

    Just read a recent blog entry entitled "I am not a spokesperson for quitting smoking" (bows to soberjulie) I wrote a reply and liked it so much lol that I thought I would add it to mine i'm not going to beat myself up because some days I crave the nicotine, it was part of my life for so long that I don't expect it to be an easy journey, no quit is right or wrong, but if I can help that one person get through their day a little bit easier, if I can pay it forward just a little then I feel that I'm doing something right, I take each day as it comes, and aim to get through each day smoke free, I want my quit to be a forever quit, but I don't know what is round the corner and can hope that I am strong enough to face each crave and trigger as they occur, so far so good but who knows, I have no crystal ball, some days are easier than others and those days are great, some days/weeks (like recently) have been torture and I could quite easily go back, but coming here and reading and seeing that I am not alone goes a hell of a long way in keeping my quit. Do you know think I may put this in my blog!
  12. What no way..........Can't not have a celebration thread for a lovely lovely Lady, Nancy your quit is like you amazing xxx
  13. Short and sweet and too the point excellent xx
  14. DJ absolutely amazing, so proud of you and your hubby, I was at a small party at the weekend, around a few smokers, and felt sick with the taste and inhaling the second hand smoke, but like you said after a short while I actually began to enjoy the smell again, the addiction is never far away, and for you to get through your 2 days filled with smoke as it was you should be immensely proud of yourself, thank you so much for sharing your story xx
  15. 8 Months is fantastic Beacon be proud xx
  16. Huge Congratulations 3 months is amazing be proud
  17. Absolutely Fantastic Dors, xx
  18. JackiMac

    blocked qsmb

    Hi Jimmy sure hope you manage to get back on it wouldnt be the same without you, big hugs to you xx
  19. Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated..........Confucius

    1. babs609


      So true Jackie. Guess it makes us feel important. Lol

    2. Devil Doll

      Devil Doll

      Love this!

  20. Congrats Julie on your massive milestone, it was my friend who told me it was easy to lose weight not so easy to lose cancer when I was moaning about gaining weight! xx
  21. Good Thread Ross, I've said that before "well I could get hit by a bus tommorow" , or how about its just not a good time, said that many times!! The Cleaner at my work is in her 70's and said there is not much point in her stopping, her time must be up !
  22. JackiMac


    Its amazing how quickly we grow to love someone, Its bittersweet to see someone say see you later (hate saying goodbye) but nice to think they will pop in and let us know how they are doing, im here for the long haul, determined to pay it back for all the help, inspiration and support I have received.
  23. Fantastic, look forward to following your non-painfull blog Tiff, this made me larf lol, I've not been able to exercise for over 10 days now damn chest infection so looking forward to feeling better so I can get back on my exercise bike xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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