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Everything posted by JackiMac

  1. NOPE today
  2. Dammit I always miss the fun!! Brittany sorry to miss this last night, was snoring my head off, so glad to see you made it through and well done for posting, great teamwork as ever from the lovely people here on Quit Train, see no one brought out the buffet carriage though, you all should be ashamed no tea and biscuits!! Brittany I cried yesterday was an emotioanl wreck and all over the place, but its a healthy train wreck lol, its just the bodies way of releasing tension, I found in the early days repeating NOPE and deep breathing helped I am sure plenty of people around me thought I was a serial nutter, breathing heavily and muttering to myself :P but honestly whatever helps you to get through the crave you will get there and you will stay quit be stronger than the addiction xx
  3. Hi Mason and welcome on board, all those scary thoughts you are feeling are completely normal, stay close to the board and let us know how you are doing, we are here to help and support you as much as we can. Looking forward to sharing your journey with you xx
  4. Hi and welcome on board the quit train, well done on making the best decision ever, stopping smoking, congratulation to your husband too, that will be a great help to you both, we all remember the scary feeling of when we first quit and its completely normal, read as much as you can on the addiction and remember that a crave is just a thought inside your head do not give it space to grow, looking forward to sharing your journey with you xx
  5. OMG how awful never even gave my wee cats a thoughts when I was smoking :(
  6. Lace I had tears in my eyes reading this, that is what this journey is all about, pride, amazement, those little moments when you feel like your heart will burst fantastic your girls must be so proud of you xx
  7. eating
  8. just impaled my foot with the washing pole....not a pleasant experience OUCH

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. action


      Ouch! Better now?

    3. Colleen


      Feel better Jackie!


    4. JackiMac


      much better thanks, I finally had the courage to take off the dressing and I have a hole in my foot!! its like decoring an apple lol


  9. OMG Gem had a horrible smoking dream last night WTF I stated smoking ninja style, hiding it from everyone, smoking packets at a time, and everyone could smell it off me but I kept denying it!! No likey no likey at all
  10. Right here bright and breezy Ill join you NOPE
  11. ^^^ Just what I needed :)
  12. Here and still not smoking
  13. you get gears that move I insert a box of domino's
  14. An Archaeologist fascinating If you could change the era you were born in what era would you choose
  15. she likes to predict horoscopes
  16. JackiMac

    Real Name

    ohh just found this.... Work mates call me Jax my boss calls me Jakatak no idea why lol My kids call me..........Crazy lady or mum when they want to be nice my Dad and mum call me JACQUELINNNNNE ANNNNE so I know ive done wrong my hubby calls my babes (typical male name for most females I would say) close friends call me jax or oiii u or wee dolly again no idea why phew think I may have escaped the Bakon naming ceremony!!
  17. Count me in NOPE
  18. Bonnie wow fantastic quit xx
  19. Colleen you are the amazeballs, fantastic was going to say am ****-a-hoop for you but just know that Bakon is in the background lurking lol, 1 year there should be champagne and balloons you've been a great help to me and I thank you for that , you made it well done onwards and upwards even more xx
  20. Sounds like a great plan to me Tracey, I did my workout tonight, felt on top of the world, then Ive just sat and ate a large packet of crisps a crunchie and a snickers bar!!! Butt kick due now ........... my brain did not listen xx
  21. Someone please tell my brain to stop eating, get off my backside and get back to exercising. Since I was unwell nearly 4 weeks ago, I have stopped my exercising I am eating literally like a pig I have put more weight on than ever before, nothing fits lol, and what do I do to deal with, yeah lets have another piece of chocolate jackie just what you need.... So Brain the pigging out stops tonight and the exercising resumes tonight................GOT IT!!!
  22. DD absolutely fantastic, your an inspiration to me 5 months is amazing xx
  23. Rachael hope your ok and congrats on 7 months check in soon and let us know how you are doing xx
  24. Damn sorry I wasnt around to help Tracy but so pleased to see that all our good friends on here were there to support you, so pleased to see you got through, wouldn't have any doubt that you wouldn't sod the demon drink, feet up chill out and hopefully hangover wlll be gone soon xx
  25. 1. Have a good clear out. 2. Style your hair 3. Enjoy a good meal with friends. 3. Latte!! 4. Build lego with your children 5. Sit and talk with your o/h 6. 20 mins of exercises 7. Make a cake 8. Do your nails 9. Play Candy Crush Sage (haha) 10. cut the grass 11. Listen to some favourite songs 12. clear your mind

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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