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Everything posted by JackiMac

  1. JackiMac

    chicks or sticks

    haha its whats under the skirt!!! and we could be here all night -13
  2. Didn't read the books, am I weird for not........think the majority of the world's female population have read the books :dash2:
  3. JackiMac

    chicks or sticks

  4. Bookie Stone
  5. cherry
  6. JackiMac

    chicks or sticks

  7. F
  8. for christmas when I'm cleaning I like to
  9. and out comes some stones I insert bar-b-que flavour peanuts
  10. Oh hello Munchies.....ive missed you!!!

    1. beacon


      :) omg i wish they would go away

    2. BAT


      I want ice cream :)

    3. JackiMac


      I am just eating everything that comes in my way.......

  11. Great Post Babs, I refer to it as my Emptiness, its as though something is missing, its re-learning to replace the emptiness with ......running, cleaning, singing, shopping, living, whatever makes you feel good, although we thought in the past that smoking made us feel good, we all really know that it was the chemicals creating a feeling of euphoria, we can replace this feeling with natural processes, I love my exercises in the evening, plug in my music and my feel good factor goes sky high, in the early days, this feeling of "restlessness" "emptiness" whatever you wish to call it "Cravings" seem to occur constantly and we battle with them daily sometimes every few seconds. Further on down the quit they come along rarely but its the way that we deal with them that is important, learn to recognise them for what they are thoughts that can be dismissed by remembering how far in our quit we have come.
  12. Whoop Whoop well done xx
  13. Rob well done for posting your subconsious thoughts, this was my downfall, I started to romance the nicotine and didnt post thinking I could deal with it, I gave my thoughts room to grow and they did, until the point that I caved in, you have recognised what the addiction is doing, you met it head on and threw it a curve ball well done, you know you are doing the right thing, so proud of you, xx
  14. Huge congratulations to you my lovely, you bring so much inspiration to us all here at the board, so happy to be sharing your journey xxx
  15. Grrrrr nope TODAY just because
  16. whoo hooo congrats to you xx
  17. OMG no way, I can't justify spending £4.07 on 10 cigs in the UK, but I have a friend who went back to smoking after a year off, has no intention of ever stopping again, is a student can hardly afford to pay gas and electric yet always finds the money for fags, I just throw my hands up, another reason to definitely quit, money for nice things, just saying :) xxx
  18. Day Three can bite my ass, NOPE just for today
  19. Hi Mike so sorry to read this, its a bitch this addiction isnt it!, but there comes a point when you must decide to be a bigger bitch and fight back, otherwise you will end up on that damn hamster wheel going round and round and round, gets a bit deju vue after a while, tell it to stop get off, step back and remember you are in control of the addiction, its easy to go back to smoking, that is what addiction is all about the easy option, the hardest part is standing up and saying Yup I am an addict, but I will fight this addiction with every bit of strength I have, because I am worth it , ME I am worth this . New day tommorow, get up with renewed strength and believe in yourself you can and you will do this,
  20. Scores on the Doors, today............Jackie NOPE
  21. HI and welcome on Board, you will go through a great deal of changes in your body over the next few weeks, you are healing inside and out, I remember suffering from a terrible sore throat for weeks and a shortness of breath right at the beginning of my quit last year, your blood flow is improving to your body and you will feel and sense things you don't normally do as your body re-adjusts, you will be unable to sleep and have weird dreams!!! You are claiming your body back and the long term is going to amazing, everything you feel is normally, but as our lovely DD says if it persists and you are unhappy consult your GP, xx
  22. Mike well done for jumping straight back on board, stay focused, concentrate on why you quit and how important it is to you, one minute at a time if necessary, a lot of the lovely quitters here swear by the "not smoking just for today" and I like the sound of that, never look too far ahead, just one minute one day at a time we are all here and we've got your back, you can do this, xx
  23. Ahhhh Bakon how I've missed your daily Blah....glad to hear Mrs Bakon is doing well, certainly uplifted me, unfortunately wigs and bacon don't go, eggs would be better
  24. I want to feel the pain of Hell Week , so I can remind myself that I wont ever be facing it again. I want to face my craves head on with strength so I can tell myself I do have the strength and I do have the commitment. I need to remind myself how important I am, cigarettes are not important. Hell week is called what it is for a reason. I really do not want to be on this hamster wheel any longer, just going round and round and not reaching the end, I am making a conscious decision to get off the wheel, to take back control of my life, I know just what to expect this time, So Hell Week please bring it on as bad as you can, because I need reminding that I don't want to ever see you again!!
  25. Just exactly what I need to read, the constant craves for the nicotine no matter where you are in your quit are the ones I need to overcome, my biggest problem is if they go on for days I get so frustrated, thinking OMG surely I should not be having these types of craves, surely it should be easier by now, but that is the problem, I allow that frustration to creep in and allow my thoughts to grow bigger and bigger until its all that fills my head, it drives me crazy, I really think I am going to go mad, so I give in, its so much easier to give in I think, ummm no because I really know that I do not want to smoke, its disgusting and it will kill me, but I do not summon the strength to overcome it. I am going to dig just a little bit deeper and get the strength to overcome those annoying thoughts, the thoughts wont kill me in the long run, they may annoy me, but they will not kill me, the smoking will. Thanks Crys, I needed to read this xxx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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