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Sergeant A

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Everything posted by Sergeant A

  1. I posted this elseware but I'll put it here as well. I'm good, on day 9 now and I feel great but my emotions have been all over the place but then again work is a bit stressful these days. Anyway I'm well and not smoking.
  2. Sorry I haven't been on more but I've been all over Kuwait the last week or so. I'm good, on day 9.
  3. Welcome to the board! I'm on day 9 and I feel great but I'll admit there have been some tough moments especially when things get stressful. Just try and get through the moment and it will go away.
  4. 5 days and all is well. NOPE
  5. feeling pretty good about this so far. The medicine has really help take the edge off.
  6. I'm here and starting on day three. So far so good. I expect to have some withdraw symptoms today. NOPE
  7. So here you go. From this moment N.O.P.E. Officially on the train as of 1545 30 November 2014.
  8. Got the meds today. Haven't taken them yet.... not sure what I'm waiting on.
  9. 18,000 steps yesterday iaw the pedometer, that included a 3 mile run and a walk to and from work which is about 2.5 ish one way. Trying to get down below 180 before I go home in May. I started at 215 and at last check I was 198.
  10. It's very reassuring to get the support from you guys. I just want to say thanks to all so far. I took the next step and eliminated my after breakfast smoke this morning and I plan on not having any while not at work. I ran 4 miles last night, that's how I found success before so I'll be in the gym again tonight.
  11. So my plan is welbuteral and I don't think i spelled that right. They don't give Chantix to depoyed soldiers it can mess up your head. I quit cold turkey about 8 years ago and it lasted 3 years before I started dipping (I know it's gross). My plan is exercise and water. I also have allot people I'm here with that will back me up.
  12. 2 December is my target date. The PA said I should take the meds for a week before quiting and I won't get them for a couple of days. Thanks for the info I'll check that stuff out.
  13. Hello all, I was in the process of this quiting thng and found this board. I've been smoking or dipping since I was 14 mostly smoking. I was dipping for a few years and recently tried to quit cold turkey and I think I almost lost my mind. So I started puffing again because I had been successfull at quiting that and it has less nicotiene than dip does, so I'm off dip but still on tobbacco and now I'm getting ready to try it with the aid of prescriptions for the firs time. Wish me luck and say some prayers for me.

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