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Everything posted by Petra

  1. What is wrong with you, Woman??? lol
  2. Petra

    The Question Game

    A monkey. Haven't you always wanted a monkey??? If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? And...did you catch that?
  3. Petra

    chicks or sticks

  4. Petra

    a radish!

    It's beautiful! :)
  5. WOWZA HOTTIE!!! Great transformation. You look great! :)
  6. Time to change my status update.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nicole Diver
    3. Jenny


      Sooo, can we expect it anytime soon?

    4. Jenny


      still waiting...

  7. Worked on the ab tanning machine today (aka - the lounge chair by the pool). My abs were BURNIN! (sun-burnin) :) lol
  8. Petra


    Come and see us Rowly. We'd love to help you continue your non-smoking journey!
  9. So great to hear from you Hottie Scottie!!!! And so happy to hear you are enjoying your smoke free life. I was just thinking I should throw out a "Where is Scottinpa" thread and here you are! For sure you were a huge part of my quit, so thanks for that! We may need to start a new Dreaming of Scottinpa thread just for old times sake cuz we miss you around here (though I'm not sure it would be the same without Avian/Jan)! :) Stop in again soon!
  10. WOOT WOOT!!! :)
  11. I LOVE my flip flops!!! They are allowed at the pool at least, right, Bakon??? I love sandals too, but flips are often more comfy and wear them to more than just the pool. :) And yes, I keep my girl parts clean for sure. And I was going to make a really, really, really bad joke, but I will keep it classy. :)
  12. Thanks for letting us know.
  13. I think we looked into being able to tag someone, and we aren't able to. Do you know if this is something that could be programmed in? I would really like that feature. :)
  14. Petra

    chicks or sticks

  15. Petra

    chicks or sticks

  16. Sorry I am late, Paula!!! You are a true inspiration!!! You have been through so much!. I am so happy you are here and still smoke free! You are a true Quit Smoking friend to all of us!! Congratulations!!!! One more month til a year! You ROCK, Girl!!!!! :)
  17. Sorry I am late!!! Way to go! Get your butt back here postin more often!!!
  18. Petra


    My daughter's favorite color. :)
  19. Petra


    I got a photo traffic ticket for running a red. It was soooo green and almost yellow before I entered the intersection. I heard you didnt have to pay those, so I haven't paid it yet. EEEKKK! Are they gonna arrest me???? Honestly though - I need to find out if they can really be blown off or not. :)
  20. Petra

    Photo Share

    Too cute!!! Totally worth waiting it! :)
  21. So, we have The Big Green Egg. Pros - the food we cook on it is mouth watering and juicy and has an AWESOME smokey, grilled flavor. YUUUUMMMM!!! I have NEVER been disappointed with anything I have cooked on it. Cons - It takes time and a little patience to get it going. I can't just run out and throw some quick mid-week chicken on the grill. So we are looking for a secondary grill, that lights up quickly. Which is your favorite model and why????
  22. Petra

    Photo Share

    Pippa - that is amazing!!! Babs - That grandbaby is adorable!!!! Action - What a great friend you are to take care of that beautiful dog!
  23. Petra

    Photo Share

    I feel your pain, Bonnie. The only easy way I have goin to do it is to copy them from my Facebook page. Also, the uploaded in the gallery worked easily, but I have only tried one picture. The Facebook thing can be kind of a pain sometimes too because sometimes I want to post something' here but not necessarily there.
  24. Petra

    Hi there xoxo

    GREAT TO SEE YOU 99!!!! So happy for you! VEGAS BABY! That would be so fun! :) My hubby would NEVER go for it. ;)
  25. Petra

    new puppy

    I love him!!! :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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