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Everything posted by Petra

  1. I kinda like the blingy one too. :) Fancy Dancy
  2. Awesome, Juan!!! :)
  3. Dino Down! Like. :)
  4. I hate those moments too. Distract yourself with something fun. Call someone who makes you laugh or read some jokes. Make funny faces in the mirror just for fun.. :) I know you won't smoke, but distractions are good to get us through the icky moments easier. :)
  5. Amy, I am so happy for you!!!! I love your attitude. So great that you are enjoying your quit! :)
  6. Nice, Jimmy!! Woot Woot! :)
  7. I voted! :)
  8. I love seeing young quitters!!! What an awesome thing you are doing for your health!!!! Your young lives will improve so much so quickly!!! :)
  9. I'm 45. I started smoking around 13-14. I smoked about 1/2 ppd a day - a bit more in my early 20's. I have always been kind of a closet smoker. I was so ashamed of smoking that I hid it from a lot of people, which helped me smoke less. I had a boyfriend in college, and he didn't know I smoked. He wanted me to go to Nassau with him for vacation, and I made a bunch of excuses as to why I couldn't go (lack of any money at all in my bank account did not seem to matter at that time). The two primary reasons I didn't go: 1) how would I smoke and 2) how would I poop both without him knowing? LOL Is that TMI??? hahaha - you know how hotel rooms are - the running shower only masks so much. :)
  10. Awesome Juan!!! That stripe looks great on you! Keep up the good work soldier!! :)
  11. Petra

    I feel so big.

    Seriously??? OMG - I LOVE the smell of fresh cut wood. Evidently I'm not alone. :)
  12. No smoking for me!!! :)
  13. Congrats! :)
  14. YAY Baffled! Quit Friend! :)
  15. I'll bring red wine & let Nancy bring the white. And a fruit and cheese platter.
  16. 938 PM
  17. Petra

    Quit Songs

    Peace Train - Cat Stevens
  18. http://youtu.be/9AB4hg2mbCs
  19. Jog/walked today. About 3.0 miles.
  20. I'm with Marcus. Go to the gym & workout. You will then become stronger both physically and mentally! If you can't go to the gym, do a few abdominal exercises & some squats & lunges. Get through this. You can. Stay strong, Juan. Don't smoke. Go into chat. Keep posting. Don't smoke.
  21. Was out for an hour today. It's so nice out!!! I walked, I jogged, I took a picture of a turkey (tried to catch the great big Tom with all his feathers a-ruffled, but he was being camera shy), I tried to get my stupid Nike app to work . I generally putzed around. I also took a picture of this:(will insert pic in a few) which is the my goal. Today I only got half way up doing a slow walk/jog and slow jog back down. I need to clock the distance.
  22. Gone running :)

    1. Colleen


      You have been running for a very long time, your legs must ache ;)

  23. gonna try out a Pandora station for a run this morning. It's a station under the Workout Genre / Classic Rock. TNT by AC DC is the first song. :) I've been playing with Googling bpm's found a couple helpful websites. Thanks! :)
  24. CONGRATS SHARON!!!! 10 Months is AWESOME!!! :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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