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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. I’ve just passed my five year mark. These boards were so important to me in the beginning. I spent a year stuck to the computer reinforcing why I quit and why I never wanted another puff. Im only confessing the following because I don’t know why it happened. About four months ago I bought a pack of cigarettes and smoked one. It stunk, my fingers smelled awful and I thought the dizziness would make me faint. I gave the rest of the pack away to a neighbor and have no further urge to smoke. I had a lot of thoughts having that one cigarette. Why did I do that for 45 years, how did I get so addicted, and why did I have even that one after almost five years? Thanks so much for still having this forum. I miss all the travelers down this road and still claim non-smoker as my status.
  2. I’m so confused. I was an original member of QSMB since 2013 and joined here when MQ created the quit train. I see some wonderful original members and a lot of new ones. Cant believe QSMB was lost so easily but so glad the beat goes on. Love to all of you quitters! Betsy.
  3. Yay! Hi Colleen! Just checking in. Has anyone heard from Jimmy ? So good to see people! Love from Betsy.
  4. Betsy


    It's still a grand mess. A lot of people still don't have power a week later. I feel so sorry for the people in the keys. I'm in north Florida and we got a weakened version but many people still lost their homes. It's only been eleven months since hurricane Matthew last year and I think people who got flooded both times are ready to pack it in and invade the northern states.
  5. I'm still here and nonsmoking even though I've been gone for awhile. Glad to see so many familiar posts. And I will never, ever see the words "easy peasy " without thinking of the Sarge and all of you. Off to see if the numbers game is stil alive. Love and thanks to you all.
  6. Betsy

    chicks or sticks

  7. Just had to come here and send good wishes to all. Xxx Betsy
  8. I just got up to speed on TWD this year. Never thought I would get hooked on a zombie apocalypse but waiting until February This show always makes me think of (((Greenlover)))
  9. Congratulations Cristobal! You were still in your first year when I joined up, and I'll never forget how much you contributed to all of us. Especially the chat room you rigged for us when the one on the board was down. Great to see you again.
  10. Betsy

    chicks or sticks

    -5 Hi all!
  11. Betsy

    chicks or sticks

    -16 Hi all! xxx
  12. Betsy

    chicks or sticks

  13. Betsy

    chicks or sticks

  14. Betsy

    chicks or sticks

  15. Anthropomorphic having human characteristics (So who knew it was alphabetic???) :huh:
  16. Betsy

    chicks or sticks

    -3 Hi Corey!
  17. Still here, tho not as often as I'd like.
  18. Betsy

    chicks or sticks

  19. Steatopygia A genetic characteristic among certain tribes with large amounts of adipose tissue in the buttocks and upper thighs.
  20. Betsy

    chicks or sticks

  21. Doreen, I don't know how to show pics either, but we've been described as "a quaint little drinking village with a fishing problem". I'm on the Atlantic ocean coast, and we would make many trips to quiet sandy beaches and head to the Conch House for afternoon cocktails and live music. It's America's oldest city, though a mere 450 years old, just a toddler compared with England's history. I live on an island where life is still comparatively quiet and scenic and would love to show you around the Oldest City. xxx
  22. Betsy

    chicks or sticks

  23. Betsy

    chicks or sticks

  24. Betsy

    chicks or sticks


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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