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About MichelleDoesntSmoke2025

  • Birthday February 3

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    Mountlake Terrace, WA
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  2. I'm a New Year's quitter and am determined to stay that way! I'm fighting RSV, and I have an autoimmune disease that affects my lungs, so not only did I have no business vaping in the first place, the virus is hitting me particularly hard. Wheezing, coughing up gunk, the whole deal. Its going to be a long recovery, I suspect, just based on the minimal improvement I've seen in the last week or so. But hopefully, I'm wrong. The doctor put me on prednisone, so hopefully, it will start to clear up soon. I noticed when watching 50's movies last night that it was making my lungs hurt to watch all the smoking in the movie lol. Part of me envied them because they got to smoke in blissful ignorance but honestly I know better t than that. So many people died needlessly.
  3. Thank you so much! Yes I have finally accepted that there is no such thing as just one puff. For the last decade or so I've vaped and used ecigs, not smoked cigarettes, which in my experience, is even harder to quit because it tastes good and doesn't smell up your hair and breath. So that's two motivators gone. What I kept doing was setting a quit date then after a short time (2 days, 3 days, once it was two weeks!) then think oh I'm just going to buy an ecig for a few puffs/one day/insert whatever lie I told myself. Then I couldn't bring myself to throw it away. Then it became okay I'll quit again when this one is empty/I'll quit again when/I'll quit again when. So I fully embrace NOPE. Not even one.
  4. YES YES YES still going strong. The cravings are extreme but pass quickly!
  5. Day 5 is beginning...I'm craving bad, but the cravings are only last a few seconds, which is what I am reminding myself of when they hit. I'm working today so might not be able to post again until later but I'll hit the SOS board if I really need it. For now, I have the URGE to vape but not the DESIRE. (to me the urge is the physical and mental craving....desire is planning to do it, when I'm actually in danger of vaping) Happy Super Sunday! I hope everyone is having a fantabulous day!
  6. NOOOOOOPE. Starting day 5 here!
  7. After countless relapses, I'm quitting again. I mean I quit. I stopped. This is the time; this is the quit. My two year old granddaughter needs me. So does her mother, her father, her grandma, my kid's father, my sisters, my friends...I have a lot of people in my life who love me. My brother in law died at 54 last year. He was not a smoker but was incredibly obese and had several medical conditions. He didn't take care of himself and look what happened. I don't want to die young. I'm at the point in my life where I'm on the other side of that hill and want to descend as healthy as possible. Despite this, I'm craving pretty bad. Day 4 has begun and I'm hoping it will be better.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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