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Everything posted by NeedforSpeedHM

  1. -17
  2. Yaahhoooooooooo!!!! Dang check you out... 1 whole year of freedom!!! So proud of you and how much you do for all of us.. CONGRATULATIONS MQ!! I hope you celebrate!!
  3. Z to the E to the R to the O gosh id like to say a different number guys.... :D :D
  4. Zero... again..
  5. noooooooooooooooopeee
  6. yup yup yup..... we can and will keep you accountable.... a mountain of support.. and an a$$ kickin if needed. :)
  7. Happy Birthday Frez!!! Enjoy your day!
  8. zero, again. yes following nascar :) love my #4. chase is good,, it means you are GOOD! lol
  9. 0
  10. Hmmmm...
  11. Roast Chicken pickles or cucumbers?
  12. Hey Dancer. You can do it if you really want to.. It's totally possible.. Yes, leave the past behind and live in the now. This is a fresh start and another new quit. Stay with it.. It could be your last quit!! Way to go on quitting and your 1st week of freedom!! From hockey mom!
  13. SEX... Yup. Hadda go there!! Hee hee!
  14. Nice to see you are back..... and it looks like you are quitting :) You got this.... we are here to support you.. you can do it and will be sooooooo glad you are back on this journey. lets roll.
  15. Nope for me....... Hi Mike..... nice to see you back!
  16. wow,,,,, snow already???????????????? although....... we did have freezing rain/sleet.snow yesterday morning...... but it left as soon as i started b*tching. lolol
  17. well..... i like summer and fall.... love the warmer temps, although this summer here was not hot very much.. the humidity was kickin, but not so much the heat.. fall, because of football, hockey starts, bon fires, smores, a lot more hot tubbin, and beer fests.... :) WINTER...... ummmm no.. used to love it.. but nope,, last winter was terrible here.... hate it. I know that as soon as January hits.. i will be counting down the days until we leave for Florida at the end of Feb!
  18. where do i gotta go?? ya lost me friend... yessssss we use our hot tub all the time.. its freeking amazing!! you can come hot tub with me...... come onnnnnnn....
  19. -16
  20. You need to "start" tanning???? ummmmmm we just got done with summer you dork... lol Im trying to keep my bronzing.... but with themps in the bbbrrrr lately... not happening.... i forsee me at the tanners in february before we leave for Florida... yaaa no sourcream on the beaches.. lol

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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