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Everything posted by NeedforSpeedHM

  1. Toooo freekin early for all this shit.. Omg in 2 days we got like 2 feet of snow lololol. Schools are closed. This is dumb. Another foot of it on the way by thurs night. Can't freekin wait for Florida at the end of feb!!!! Ok I'm done whining .. Ppffttt!!!
  2. Hi guys. Sorry I have been absent. Our poor puppy has/is extremely sick so I been spending a lot of time with her and the vet.. Ughhhhh. Don't want to bore u with details. But we hope she is on the right track now and will grow .
  3. -14
  4. Ughhhhhh not sure why but can someone on the staff, please delete the other posting of this that is the same..... thank you!
  5. Ya was a cuddle bug the 1st few days of adjusting to her new home with us,, now she wants to be free! lol she is like a shadow, always under our feet, getting used to that, because our shep was that way too but she was BIG and would keep her distance a bit..
  6. Her Name is Mya... she is kind of off to a rough start, but we are working hard to fix that. having food/eating issues and upset tummy... she is growing though.. hoping she puts on a pound in the next week or so.. she sees the vet again on Thursday.. she is very smart, and has been doing amazing on housebreaking.... however.... "the ring the bell to go out" is becoming a game lol but she does know what to do... she will be 12 weeks old on Wed!
  7. Just looking at it my Jammie's got tighter... Not so sure about the donuts for buns...
  8. -16
  9. Hi everybody. Sorry I'm not around much. It's been a chaotic and emotional few weeks in our lives. Not much time for any of our usual things. We have added a new member to our family. A new furbaby. Probably too soon for me, still struggling with the loss of our shepherd but she is a good addition. We have a golden retreiver puppy she is 11 weeks old today and geeezzzz I forget how much work they are as puppies! So I will share a few photos soon. We named her Mya. I hope everyone is good and enjoying life!
  10. -11
  11. False. Heck I'm going on a plane for the very first time in Feb! TPBM is Tired of all this EBOLA scare
  12. -11
  13. Keep your sugar up a bit. And know this is temporary. The after we eat cig is a big trigger for most everyone. Also your taste changes. Food tastes sooooo much better. Take smaller portions. After your meal get up and do something right away. Redirect your brain. Small snack meals of healthy foods, raw foods and lots of water. You will be ok:)
  14. Hey rowly!! Nice to see you back!! One day at a time. Always move forward, no looking back! We got your support right here!!
  15. -9. Tired
  16. so how do we do this... i remember i had mine all purdy at the Q but dont remember how
  17. big fat 0
  18. 2
  19. 1
  20. Ok random this is, but...... I work with some smokers, and the State of Michigan has banned smoking anywhere on most work properties and primarily associated with schools... plus the district had a rule about it too.. and there are cameras everywhere...so they go hid,, where ever they can the camera isnt on them.... behind the trash dumpsters, they drive up onto a diff street to smoke in their cars, they hid by certain parts of the building.... i just wanna say.... GLAD THAT ISN'T ME ANYMORE.... ughhh. doesnt even sound fun.. to hang out by a dumpster...... uhhhh no. never again .......
  21. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooot woooooottttt.. Happy 1 year freedom anniversary!!!!!!!!! So happy for you to get to this milestone which is huge!!! Congrats.. I hope you celebrate!!
  22. Congrats on day 2... look.. you have 1 day done, behind you, you never have to do it again! Stay with this quit, you will never regret it... fight hard, knock down the craves and triggers, one minute at a time... so happy you made such a beautiful choice.... stay close, we will help you through.... High 5!!!
  23. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 months free.... you keep rocking it girly..... amazing you!! :) hugs!
  24. there he is :) I thiink he is trying to get back to us...

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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