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Everything posted by NeedforSpeedHM

  1. YUP on the NOPE!
  2. Hi ya Paula :) nice to see you girly
  3. Faaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnntabulous :)
  4. I would wish for this too! :)
  5. Ahhhhhhhhh.. sorry I am late to this.... but hey....... lookie at you,,, YOU ARE WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are feeling better today, and that you can relax a bit.... I promise girl... you will not always feel like this. I know it gets bad, but every time you beat down the craving, you are a step ahead of the addiction... remember that!!!! You are the boss now!!!!!!! One day at a time.. you are rockin your quit.. stay focused and keep moving forward, you can totally do this. :) HUGS. I wish for a great day for you. HEY,,,,,,,,HAPPY 1 WEEK OF FREEDOM!!!!!!!!! HELL WEEK IS DONE!!!!!! WOOOP WOOPPP!!!!!!!!
  6. Juan..... Yup, Jonny pretty much nailed it..... it is very HARD to see this early on in a quit, I battled too with the mindset looking back, but I learned to stay focused and repeating to myself,,, YOU CAN DO IT.. YOU CAN DO IT!!! You will see over time, your brain will relearn to not "need" that addiction.. the craves, the withdrawls, the triggers..... will all go away.. Its hard work, but YOU have to do it... " Whether you think you can, or can't you are right". So focus on the CAN... because we all know you can do this... NOT ONE PUFF EVER { AGAIN}... you are the only one who can sabotage your quit, get your head in the right place.. trust in me when I tell you { OVER AND OVER} you will not always feel like this.... break the chains. CONGRATS on day 5, embrace it, protect it... and protect every day. you DO have the power buddy ;) {{{{{{{{{{{{{ JUAN }}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  7. For you WYE! This is the beach I will be on next year :) I wish for good luck this Saturday with our racing practice
  8. Yummmmmmmmy!!!!!!! I never thought to grow this.... I grow corn, peppers, cucs, all organic this year from seed..... even started my Zinnias, Verbena and Dahlias by seed this year thanks for sharing Sarge.. :) I LOVE to garden and grow things!
  9. Hi Amy.... You are making a wonderful choice to take back your freedom....and the control :) Hang with us, we will keep you accountable... one day at a time girl.. you got this ;)
  10. Having a positive mental focus is exactly what is going to let you thrive in this quit.... high 5!!!!!!!!!!!! You can do it, one day at a time.. you already have 1 day of freedom... saaaaaaweeeeeeetttt!!!!!!!!!! On to day 2, keep climbing, this is totally doable, and you will be glad you quit, I Promise!!
  11. Good Morning my Friend!!!!! 4 days.... you owned those 4 days. Super happy and so glad you are back on this bus moving ahead, one day at a time. We are here for you :) Keep going, you can do it!!!!!!!! I KNOW you can do it!!!!!
  12. Ohh waiiiiiiittttt........ you ARE 6 months FREE!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Holski!!!!!! :) Keep on, you rock!!
  13. TPAM has something very cool in common with me :)
  14. MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Velveeta!!!!!!!
  15. Here ya gooooooooo trish..... looks fun!!!!!! :) I could use one too for our big property instead of our tractor we have I wish for my shoulders and knees to stop hurting. :(
  16. im an old pharte for life... sorry guys... i earned it and I LOVE it
  17. Heyyyyyyyyyy ....... you dont smoke.... remember buddy!?!?!?! 2 days of freedom... awesome... you never ever have to do them again, if you stay quit. yep.... you KNOW im on your back....and i will pinch you everytime you even think of a relapse.. dont do it, no exceptions. hugs too :)
  18. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii suzzzzzzzzzzzz
  19. move over you guys..
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY CRAZY BOY! Hope you enjoy your day. :) Meooooowwwwww
  21. 8:51am.. 3 hours sleep.. I agree with Annael... Insomnia does suck... hate it. Different work schedule this week.. makes for a messed up me.. finding motivation before work to go downtown to the radio station to pick up the concert tickets I won :)
  22. ?? huh?? hearing on spitter?? Ok Im way lost..
  23. N to the O to the P to the big ole' E!
  24. She is definitely a non smoker... so is her momma :) My adorable, loving shadow.. almost 13 years young... notice the "heart" shape along her legs, and chest... totally is her!!! ALL LOVE!!!!! My ShaynaBo. :)
  25. AWESOME SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooo happy!!!!!! You have an amazing job, and your spirit is true to helping others... always has been

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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