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Everything posted by NeedforSpeedHM

  1. Rob, never sold drugs, not even a cigarette to anyone. Never sold my daughter, and never blackmailed anyone for the nicotine drug I always bought my own.... I never did other recreational drugs and never been addicted to prescription drugs..
  2. I have seen him 5 times live in concert... the September show will be my 6th. :) The most memorable, ALL of them... but really, I would say had to be last summers Detroit show, my friend and I saw some crazy sh*t lol
  3. What is your most remembered dream?
  4. What is your #1 favorite....... anything?
  5. Bethy...... is anything blooming up your way yet?
  6. Yup..... all natural spiral curls.. and I HATE IT. My daughter has the same, and she hates hers too lol { sorry kid, apple doesn't fall far from the tree} My favorite brand of Makeup.. CoverGirl or Rimmel. I'm not picky. YES YES and YES on the hot tub.... this is our 2nd one.. it's amazing.. very relaxing and takes alot of stress away..
  7. Hi Joe :) I am involved as far as.... a fan :) MY hubby is on the crew for our driver... but I also help out at the raceshop when I can..I have learned how to do alot of things on the race car, and love it. We do not race outside of our local track, however our driver did at one time race in the ARCA division years ago. I have never been to either Toledo or Sandusky tracks.. maybe I should?? :)
  8. Shaved a guy head to toe... and thats all I am saying. lol
  9. somewhat... but a good year, definitely, plus a little more... one day at a time Tracey.... :)
  10. No, my daughter is now in the coaching mode, but taking a break for a bit with it.. this is the 1st time she has ever had a "pause". she is 20 yrs old.
  11. Haha Action.... everytime I see him is like the very 1st time.. I am like a kid in a candy store when it comes to him!
  12. Gosh, it was a while.... maybe closer to my 1.5 year mark...I remember at around 2 years, I went days without thinking about it... it was awesome!
  13. I think I did say i would participate.... so I'm kinda behind the event and not here a whole lot, but will do my best!
  14. NeedforSpeedHM

    VA KA

    glad you 2 are able to get away... still better then being home ....I hope she has a better day today.. i know about that tired stuff... envious of you.. i miss my cycles.. :( BE SAFE!!!!!!!! have a good time. would LOVE to see some of your photos from the NASCAR Hall of Fame!!!
  15. YAY! :) Day 1.. take it and run... you can do it girly.. NOPE... remember that!
  16. Yup, they sneek up when we don't think they will..... even after a year+ quit... good on you for hanging on.. a quick walk does help... you are stronger then the addiction!
  17. Hahahaha!!!!!!!! Yup. well... what can I say ;)
  18. NOPE NOPE NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! Nope.
  19. uhhhhh ok. well maybe you will..... Just bought my tickets like 20 min ago..... got my hands on 3 really good seats... but they are all gone now! My 6th time spending the night with him... :) ahhhhh can't freekin' wait you guys!!!!!!! Ya'll know how I am about this man... sigh.... Ain't no party like a Kid Rock party!!!
  20. I love dogs! This had me cracking up! Sending hugs and strength your way Mrs Bakon!
  21. Congrats MQ on 7 glorious freedom months!! Super happy for you friend!
  22. Hang on Jimmy.... you will be back!! Thank You Tiffany for helping a friend :)
  23. I would do it too..

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