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Everything posted by NeedforSpeedHM

  1. checking in..... busy as heck and the weather here is gorgeous!!!!!!! :) im here and there.. i pop in, but no time to stay long.... safe to say,,,,, i am smokefree. :)
  2. WOOHOO! Gimme a High 5 girly!!! Congratulations on your 2 years of freedom celebration... I am so proud and happy for YOU!!!
  3. I read this early on in my quit.... sure helps... sure glad I am free. sure wish everyone would quit!
  4. Happy Birthday!!! :)
  5. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
  6. Congrats Tracey!!! 6 months freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........ High 5 girly!
  7. Congrats Tracey!!! 6 months freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........ High 5 girly!
  8. I am not sure there is anything more we as a collective group can give you, to help you quit. We have all gave you excellent advice, and support. You fall down, we encourage you to start another quit.. it's becoming a vicious cycle.... kinda like kicking a dead horse. When you are READY to quit, to throw all smoking ANYTHING away.. and get serious and not relapse over and over...... let us know.
  9. arrrrrrghhhhhhhhh ......... you were doing so good.... what happened???????????? I hope you find your sticky quit soon..... fight for this!!! yes I am yelling it at you.... FIGHT!!!!! You are not going to regret the hard work the further you get..... i wish you would have more faith in yourself... come one girly.... you can do this!!!! we are all proof we were all addicted to the smokes..... but we took the control back..... come on!!
  10. Welcome Gabby... Its nice to have you here! Congrats on your quit!!!!! You make a wonderful choice for a new life!
  11. I get home about 11:45pm EST....... I will try to get here!! I wish I could call in sick.... but this girl is the boss tonight! joy... no, not really.. can't you hear the sarcasm... lol
  12. Congrats my friend! half an old pharte... woot woot... now come see us!!!!!!!
  13. Congrats my friend! half an old pharte... woot woot... now come see us!!!!!!!
  14. Congrats Sarah on your 1st full smokefree month! Way to go!!
  15. Wooooohoooooo! Happy 6 months! So happy for you! it just keeps getting better and better! High 5 and youuuuuuuuuu rock! :)
  16. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhh.... I cant be here .... I have a 9.5 hour shift tomorrow.... I will look to see if anyone is around....... have fun you guys.....
  17. Are you getting mushy on us? :) Kids do wonders to us huh.. What are your plans this weekend?
  18. One day at a time....... and look where you are.. 12 days of freedom that only you could do! Keep going, one day at a time.... everytime you beat down that crave or smoking thought.. you become stronger and more confident.... you got this. NOPE........
  19. Noooooooooooooooo smokin for me today!
  20. there's some really nice lookin men here that DONT smoke..... just sayin'.. :bye: :bye: :good3: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  21. haha this is crazy..... he isnt like this anymore lolol
  22. Hahaha!! hes amazing, not just as an artist, but as a person, he GIVES so much to communities and military.. His music is very diverse, to combines just about every genre of music into his songs...I am not a big fan of his raunchy early earlymusic however... there is a guy in the UK, that runs a facebook page for Kid Rock... he's a great guy!!
  23. My Redneck racing family and my redneck friends....... the BEST, I am so blessed.
  24. Have you met anyone from the forum?? :)
  25. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Suz!!!!! Happy Happy Happy 5 years of freeeeeeeedom! Enjoy your day!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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