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Everything posted by NeedforSpeedHM

  1. Hellooooooooo my fraaaaaaaaands. Sorry I haven't been here much, I miss what all you talk about, and how everyone is doing... Life is chaos here. I am on 10+ hr shifts, mostly gone from 9 am til 9pm. it sucks... i usually come home, and dont move til I try to go to bed.. dealing with some severe insomnia, which makes it harder to function.. but hey... I'm still breathing so thats a bonus!! I have also been spending alot of time with friends and my sis in law, who last week was told she is now cancer free!! Best day for all of us .. she had stage 3 breast cancer, went thru a lumpectomy, 6 months of chemo, 6weeks of radiation... and yesssss it worked.. she is on the rebound now from all that treatment, and we are all hopeful it stays away!!!! My thoughts are also always with mrs Bakon.. as I know she is going thru it as well. I hope everyone is good, enjoying summer and doing all that fun stuff.... I am ready for a vacation, but wont get one til March... thats ok because we rented a beach house on an island in Florida.. :) Our racing is doing great... we are again in 1st place in points for the 3rd season in a row.... hoping for another championship for our driver and my hubby who is on his race team... we love it!! I miss hockey season bad... it can start anytime now.. :) Guess thats it... keep on pushing everyone... and stay good in your quits!!
  2. Congratulations Pippa on your year of freedom!!!!! High 5! I hope you treat yourself to something extra special!! Hugs :)
  3. Yes,, glad that she is on her last.. a very important part of that journey. :) I hope she starts to feel somewhat herself very soon.
  4. Love my flap floppers... yeah.
  5. I Looooooooovvveeeeeeeeeee country music.... I listen to everything pretty much, but country, with my redneck fraaaaaands.. yup. yee yee.... good stuff. But...... Ya'll also know....... Im a Kid Rock{aholic}...... forever!
  6. wooooohoooooooo!!!!! Congrats Nancy on your 1st year of frrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom!!!! Super excited for you reaching this milestone as it is the BIG one! Way to go woman!!!
  7. Hiiiiii!!! Happy 4th of July everyone!! What a great time of the year, celebrating our country's independence!!!!!! I hope you all Have a great day and weekend however you are celebrating! It's going to be a beautiful day here, 77 degrees and sunny... cooler at night and we got rid of the nasty humidity! I wish you all well, stay safe, and be safe with those fireworks!! Thanks also to all our service men and women who fight to keep our great country safe!! It is also great that we have our freedom from addiction!! High 5 to us quitters!!
  8. Sicko's for sure....every country has their share... here, last week... a Christian radio DJ was charged with paying someone to bring an 11 yr old boy to a motel....then he confessed to having a storage unit.... there the police found Obituaries of deceased children, childrens under garments, photos of children, handcuffs, duct tape, and so on...... I hope he rots. Makes me furious!!!!
  9. Well thanks so much you guys!!!! I had a great birthday. Had a party with close friends that went from 6 pm until 4 am... Ouch . Very blessed and grateful to my hubby for throwing it .. Yup kid rock played a lot of the night.. Horseshoes, bonfire, hot tubbin, dancin, good times!!! 45 and young!!
  10. You take care of you.... and it sounds like you are :) So happy about that Hugs to you Paula, my wish for you is a happier, healthier life! High 5 on your quit too!
  11. Congrats on your 1st week of freedom.... i hope for many many more, and know you are winning this addiction one day at a time! High 5 girl!!
  12. HAAAPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYY BIRTHDAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY NANCY!!!!!!!! Sorry I am late... hope you had a fantabulous day!! hugs!
  13. Heyyyyyy knock it off all ya'll :) smile... it uses less energy and makes you feel better...... i have been crabby too though.. i somehow came down with a freeking cold, in 85 degree weather.... how in the world....just dumb not sick all winter.... and now,, ughhhhh.... but i am smiling because it is nice out!
  14. Our race car owner has a Chessie.... sweetest dog.. love her.. her name is dannie. she is always so eager for attention....and LOOOOOOOOOOVES water... nice dog MQ.. :)
  15. Soda= Pop Tip a few= Drinking alcohol Yooper= Someone who lives in the Upper Pennisula of Michigan Troll= Someone who lives below the bridge{ Mighty Mackinac bridge that is} that connects the Upper and Lower Penninsula Push the Commode= flush the terlet. lol
  16. Good Job,,, Keep your guard up... always.I am glad you are winning this addiction day by day....
  17. Ok I know I am wayyyyyyy behind the times with TV stuff..... but someone was talking about True Blood on HBO.... so I went nosing and WOW....... Love it so far.. I just started season 1, Our Cable has On Demand features and it goes from the current season 6 all the way to season 1... and ALL the episodes..pheeewwww I have lots of catching up to do. Anyone else watch? It reminds me of the Twilight series alot... but this is way better!!
  18. Baaaaaaaaaaazinga!!!! Im here too.. and of course smoke free.. Not here much, living life and working forever and now hooked on the HBO series True Blood. Ya'll hold on to your freedoms!
  19. arghhhhhh sorry I am just seeing this..... Zoey is absolutely gorgeous.. what a very pretty little girl!!! Congrats Joe and family!! I am praying for your daughters recovery, that doesnt sound fun at all, extremely scary.. she has my prayers and thoughts... thanks for the updates you are swamped with the girlies.... but then again.. we rock :)
  20. 66,491. That would be 6 of those container photos Nancy posted..... plus a smaller one.... yuck..... so glad I dont smoke...
  21. Silly Bakon..... taking words out of context...... tisk tisk... I never fall down when drinking... not now anyways... :) How about you??? lol
  22. still praying daily and hoping this is all working good for her.... much hugs! Hoping for good resutls of your blood work too mister!
  23. Well I felt like I was in a fog most of the day.... this medication really makes you drowsy....I am not so dizzy now, and the spinning is come and go every now and then now verses constant. I did go to work, but man i was dragging BAD.... i kept checking the time... to see when I could go home lol hoping for a better sleep night, on top of the insomnia I have,,, this shall be interesting lol Ya it ain't fun.... Vertigo sucks.
  24. Went to work yesterday just fine.... 2 hours later.. thought I was drunk and almost fell 4 times within 5 minutes time...... this sucks. I had it once before years ago, but do not remember it being this intense.. Called Supervisor to say I couldnt work anymore, had hubby come pick me up.. called my doc to see what his thoughts were, he said Vertigo, called in a script for Antivert... pheww the nausea alone is enough to make you miserable.... but the meds seem to be working, I finally fell asleep, and this morning not so dizzy.... hoping to go to work, as I HATE missing. Anyone else ever had this???? I see RobF deals with it.. sorry... :( this is the weirdest thing...
  25. wow.. thats some cool video.... and to take your 2 yr old with you... phew.. not sure I could carry him all day.. yep i agree,expected a deep burly voice too! lol

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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