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Everything posted by Kristin

  1. So much work, zero days off! Husband chewing, friends smoking, my father stinks of cigars and my coworker always puffing on her e-cig at her desk. I keep romancing a strong espresso and smoke. I know it's no good and doesn't actually help any of the above mentioned stress. Still keep picturing myself doing it. Got so bad today I even thought about getting some herbal cigarettes or an e-cig with no nicotine, because that wouldn't count as smoking. (Stoopid!) I read about others relapsing and a part of me is jealous, I start thinking I had better do it now so I don't give up a 6 or 9 month quit. Also PMS, which is a horrible trigger for me. DAMN IT! I know my addict is panicking and using every trick in the book to try and make me slip, just can't figure out how to shut her up!
  2. Nope
  3. Sweet!
  4. Winning!
  5. Hey RF! Still struggling myself some days. When I hit a hard spot I think of a thread here called executive assistant. It helps for me to take the perspective that each trigger I work through is rewiring my brain to the new non smoking version of my life. I spent 17 years working cigarettes into every aspect of my life, it's going to take awhile to undo all of them and thats ok. Yesterday we had my son's bday party, and lots of my old smoking friends were there. The whole event was trigger central, because I haven't yet faced down those particular smoking cues. Stay positive and keep at it one step at a time. You can do this.
  6. Nope, no way would I ruin this most awesome Friday the 13th with a cigarette. :)
  7. Woot!
  8. Nope
  9. Congrats to you! You are amazing and such an important part of this place. :D
  10. Welcome Julie!
  11. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  12. Nope
  13. Welcome Batgirl! We have the same quit date. This 3 month spot seems to be a rough patch for a lot of people. :)
  14. Awesome. These small realizations are really important for me. You are doing a great job working through this thing.
  15. Nope
  16. This is fabulous, today and tomorrow!
  17. Sweet! Moving along up and out of hell week. :)
  18. I feel so alive now it's unreal! :)
  19. This is wonderful! Congrats to you. :)
  20. I said thinGS like: "I dont want those crappy years at the end anyway" "think about how bad breathing in LA is for you, smoking can't be worse" "If my smoking is your biggest problem you need to take a good look at the world around you" None of those things make any damn sense. Cigarettes cause cancer and addiction causes delusions.
  21. Everyone is awesome!!!
  22. I would have smoked again if not for posting an SOS. Also reading my own response to myself, and my top ten list of reason's I quit. I carry the list around with me in my wallet and also posted it on my homepage here. Glad you jumped right back, learn from the experience and you can be that much stronger this time around.
  23. Nope

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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