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Everything posted by Kristin

  1. Welcome!
  2. Woohoooooo!!!!
  3. Crochet, Hot Tea, Coloring, Lollipops and Gum, Long hot showers,Video Games, Naps and snuggling my baby. ETA: I misunderstood this post, this is how I got through my first days not smoking but I am using NRT.
  4. I agree Jenny I experienced the emotional impact of relapse without actually doing it, and the feeling of relief to find it was only a dream was immense. That's reality right there, any other feelings I have are just habitual craves and junkie thinking.
  5. I know dreaming about using is a normal step in any addicts recovery, but it sure is unsettling. Last night I dreamed of taking a puff. I immediately felt bad and didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to start back at day 1. I cried. Then my husband showed up and he was smoking too, so I had a whole one of his and still didn't want to admit it or start over. I woke up at that point and was SOOOO relieved to find myself laying in bed still two weeks smoke free!
  6. Hold tight! Have her buy her own smokes, then take time to notice her go through her cycle of smoke crave smoke, never ending death trap. Notice the smell, notice how she doesn't really like doing it but rather stuck in the cycle. I survived a week with my sister in law smoking like crazy by really looking at what she was doing and seeing the truth.
  7. Nope!
  8. NOPE!
  9. Good job! Congrats!
  10. Thanks guys!I can't believe it either! Longest I have ever made it, and I'm still going strong! WOOT!
  11. Congrats!
  12. I have had more cravings today but nothing like last night, and you are all right I am very happy that I held my ground and don't have to start over again. One day at a time until I get myself far enough away from this thing. I want that awesome day when I don't think of smoking at all, which means I have to keep pushing through these rough ones. You are all great, and I feel very lucky to have found this place.
  13. Thanks guys! You are all amazing!
  14. I had a hard time today. I feel a bit silly posting here after I got through it, but I feel like it was important and I need to get it out there. Got home from work and the next three hours were non-stop cring from the baby, yelling from the hubby and whining about homework from the boys. All at the same time. (Stress trigger, I know) I went so far as to get up find my keys, purse, coat and shoes and get in my car. Started the car up and just sat there for ten minutes. I don't think I really wanted to go buy cigarettes, so why the hell did I go through all that trouble? Thinking pretty obsessively about cigarettes and being an addict all night. Ugh, this really is one long hard road out of hell.
  15. Kristin, You got this thing woman! How many times did you think it would never be you who managed to quit? Remember how it felt to believe you were the only one who couldn't do it? Guess what? YOU DID IT! Don't you dare let a hard day or bad mood drag you back into that pit of shame and death. Think about being a little girl watching grandpa die from lung cancer, think about listening to mom cough and gag all night long and take the burnt tobacco from other people's butts to have a rollie in the morning. Think about grandma smoking with emphyzema and now on oxygen, unable to travel to see her great granddaughter. Think about dad and his strength to quit, all though not soon enough to prevent his emphyzema. Think of the pain on his face when he can't walk to the park with the kids because for him life is like breathing through a straw. Think of the pride on your sons face when he says mommy doesn't smoke anymore. Think about 30 years from now playing with your grandchildren. Make Damn sure you can be there with them and play!! If none of that works think about the money you save, the nice clean car, the smell of your shampoo and perfume. Think about clean teeth and improved gum health. Get pissed off at these horrible companies that trick people into giving up not only quantity but quality of life by selling cigarettes. GET REALLY PISSED! Then say no Kristin. Just don't smoke. You don't do that anymore. You won't let them take anymore health and happiness out of your life.
  16. Nope! I agree, seems insane to go out and freeze when I can just stay snuggled up and warm instead. :)
  17. Im here
  18. Im here
  19. Good Job!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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