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About Kristin

  • Birthday 08/16/1983

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  • Interests
    Camping, Hiking, Walking on the Beach, Flying Kites, Reading, Taking Pictures of Flowers, Movies, Music, Video Games, Crochet, Coloring, Card and Board Games, My Children and Family, Making Cookies and Pies, Drinking Tea, Dome Houses, Bubblegum, Swimming, Fishing... pretty much everything awesome. :)
  • Quit Date
    November 1, 2014

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About Me




My Top Ten Reason's For Quitting:


  1. Set a good example for my children, and stop the cycle of damage caused in my family from smoking. 
  2. Save money, stop the financial bleeding caused by addiction to cigarettes. 
  3. Improve my appearance and dental health (slow the progression and decrease the severity of my gum disease and tooth staining).
  4. Improve my overall health and ability to breathe.
  5. Increased self esteem (not feeling nasty for smoking).
  6. To have more energy and stamina for outdoor activities and playing with my children. 
  7. To prevent COPD, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Lung Cancer and Death. 
  8. To smell nice and allow myself to purchase nice perfumes and soaps (instead of wanting to have them, but knowing they won't do me any good because they don't stand a chance against the stench of cigarette smoke). 
  9. To enjoy an improved sense of taste and smell (Coffee and Flowers have always been my favorite smells, but WOW they really smell great and for the past 17 years I had no clue).
  10. Freedom to do anything I want in the world without the constant nagging thoughts and road blocks related to smoking.
  • Road Blocks:
  • "I would love to visit Germany, but I could never take a flight that long without a smoke."
  • "I wish I could go on this field trip with my kids, but it will be too long without a smoke and I don't want to embarrass the kids by smoking around their class."
  • "I would love to pursue a career in archaeology or teaching but those jobs don't allow smoke breaks."
  • "This is a really great house/apartment, too bad we cant apply to rent it because they don't allow smokers."
  • "I would love to see this new movie coming to the theater, but I wont be able to have a smoke break so I will just wait until it comes out for rental."
  • "I am very sick, and my doctor is telling me that I should go to the hospital but I am going to go home and try to fix it myself instead because that way I can still smoke."


About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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