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Diane Suligoy

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  • Quit Date
    June 19

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  1. He is fine thanks, typical appendix. I'm doing the nope....lol
  2. To top it all off folks, my grandson ended up on emergency surgery today. I pushed through it. I do agree I need to drop the nicotine lozenges. Haven't reached for one yet today but I sure want one. I kind of figures I am hampering the withdrawal concept with the nrt....but I wouldn't gave made 48 hours after losing these teeth without. I mean, I don't think so. Anyway, thank you for all of the encouraging words
  3. Not sure where to answer someone's question here.....no I have not thrown out my smokes. I have unopened packs stashed all over. I mean, really? Lol. Not about to be caught without.s Sad I guess
  4. I had my last cig on June 19...6 weeks yesterday . Had no intention of quitting for more than 3 or 4 days as I was having teeth pulled. For whatever reason, probably the ever building sense of guilt I had been feeling, I still haven't lit up. After 57 years of smoking, this is ridiculously hard I used about 4 nicotine lozenges a day and I'm down to 2 but wow, I am miserable. Think I'm just going to have one. Don't know what else to do

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