I dont really have any advise to offer that hasnt been said here...
To be quite honest, Sarges "easy Peasy" pi$$ed me off in the early stages of my quit...but ..now I get it..
I had the same trials as anyone else..lots of "stressful situations" that I was trained to believe smoking could get me through..
EXCEPT...when I decided to quit...that's what it was..A DECISION.. I dont know how to explain it, except it was a feelling I had deep inside that.. I WAS quitting..
I knew it was going to be hard to do the first few days..but I didnt set myself up for failure...I wasnt going to TRY to quit...I was GOING to quit... no matter how hard it may seem, I knew if I refrained from smoking..one day at a time..I was hoping the words of wisdom from these great people on the board would be true..that it will get easier with time...
and you know what.........
My quit is now "EASY PEASY"
I know I am only 9 months into this and I have a whole lifetime ahead of me...but as long as I dont smoke....1 day at a time...I am not "aiming" for a year ...or "for-ever"..my goal is for today..and as long as I make that decision ...everyday...I will never smoke again..
I like to believe it comes down to old fashioned "willpower"
you are going to be faced with a lot of reasons your mind will try to tell you that its ok to smoke...BUT..
all you have to do is ask yourself..at that moment...do you REALLY want to quit..I knew my answer, so thats what I used to get through the tough times...I just had to be honest with myself..