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Posts posted by Ladybug

  1. yeahhh...Mr. Ladybug felt so guilty that the grill got a Gazebo and not me...he bought a real one....I almost wet myself laughing so hard...well, the next time I will spend money on something we don't need...guess what..he won't be able to say "peep" lol


    I tried..I can't ad pics from my computer to the posts...it doesn't work. I copied the pic and say paste and ..."nothing"

    • Like 1
  2. Key quote: “You’re on your way now but this is no time to dwell on how far you’ve come. You’re in a fight against an opponent you can’t see, but oh you can feel him on your heels, can’t ya? Feel ‘em breathing down your neck. You know what that is? That’s you. Your fears, your doubts and insecurities all lined up like a firing squad ready to shoot you out the sky.”




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  3. I think everybody who has the willpower and strength to make some drastic changes...has the "swagger" and I admire all of them. There are so many form of addictions..we found many ways to numb ourselves...it's a long list...gambling, food, drugs, alcohol, Nicotine, Caffeine, pills and many more I can't think of


    There are a lot of "swaggers" in this world!

  4. What a day, I am sitting in my workshop and have to hold back laughter. I am glad it is Saturday and I can have a glass of wine and sleep in tomorrow.


    Mr. Ladybug had to work today and met with one of his best friends for Lunch.  Those two are like little kid, they always build something, fix something, re-build something or tear something down. But I have to say, they take good care of my “Honey-do-List”. Anyhow, they needed some bolts and went to a local hardware store, what’s never a good idea. I call it the “toy store for men”.


    I was busy outside and in the house when they pulled up. Mr. Ladybug was excited I could tell, he was all over the place, his eyes were sparkling.


    “Honey, I bought us something”(would have never guesses sighhhh)


    Well, let’s see what he got, maybe a new watering hose, since we need one? Nope!



    “Look Honey…they had Gazebo’s on sale”. OK that got me off my feet and I almost fell in the flowerbed………..wow, how great is that? I always wanted one…


    ”Wow..where is it!”


    They got the box out of the truck! “Look Honey, I bought a grilling Gazebo”!


    I must have looked puzzled “you bought what?”

    “A Grilling Gazebo!”



    Me “what is a Grilling Gazebo?”


    “A Gazebo for the Grill” Boom! (I had no idea something like that was even existing)


    Me aka party-pooper “you are telling me our grill got a Gazebo?”


    Mr. Ladybug “Yes, so when WE grill it’s covered, we can grill in the rain” (Yes we grill all the time in the rain…seriously?)


    Me..with really big eyes and hands on my hips “Let me get this straight, you bought a Gazebo for the grill. Our grill gets a Gazebo before I get one? Our Grill will sit in the shade and I will bake in the sun like a biscuit?” (WTF)


    Mr. Ladybug not so happy anymore “you don’t like it? (you think?)


    Mr. Ladybug is a Sweetheart and he can get those puppy dog eyes and he knows how to use them  “you want me to bring it back?”


    Well, guess what? Two can play that game..me with puppy dog eyes “NO Babe…if it makes you happy…I can wait” (Boom I go shopping tomorrow  ..watch me!)


    He looked so guilty it was almost comical, as usual I couldn't resist.


    “Alright then, we keep that damn Gazebo for the damn grill” sighhhhh


    They are outside building it..it’s actually cute and the right size for a little bench and a small table..maybe a hanging plant. Well, grill I have news for you….you will need a new home this Gazebo is mine! :P

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  5. Oh Laura...welcome to the club! You are not a dick..you are a Smokoholic (my own word).


    Soo...go to bed...you get your spanking tomorrow (it's more fun when you will remember) :-) 


    Sleep well...see you tomorrow and I will try to whisper :-)

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  6. Sue...please talk to us....one of us...all of us.........whatever it is, don't carry the burden alone! If you need to hit something verbally....go for it ..I am here.


    Tell yourself what you would tell me!      We share so many things here, we are "one"!

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  7. That's good going Rez, I have several smoking dreams every week but they really don't bother me.

    The last few days have been very hard and I have a bad feeling I'm not going to be smoke free much longer. That sucks but I'm at my witts end.


    Sue...talk to us....we are here for you. You can yell, scream, curse, cry, laugh...whatever is necessary and whatever will help. I can listen...so can everybody else here. You are loved and we are very proud of you.


    You are a very special Lady with a funny English :-)


    Sue....I am serious talk to us....talk to your quit buddy. Write in your blog or start one, write down what you feel in a post, either here or in the secret section. write it in a PM..just get it out. Sharing means you don't carry the burden alone!

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  8. How do you come up with all these Bug?  I think you are a genius :)


    The 1000 hungry tigers are often found in Meditation Books/Magazines. It's a tool to overcome! Our mind gives us 1000 different variations (excuses) and scares us to the point were we feel paralyzed or stuck in the past. The inner Voice :-)



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  9. I am so glad you didn't smoke.  The first month of my quit was pretty easy.  At 6 weeks I went bat shit crazy.   I did one thing though that kept my life pretty much unscathed in the long run (it was hell in the short run).  I explained to my husband in a moment of clarity that I loved him and that since he wanted me to quit smoking too, I would appreciate it if he did not hold me accountable for, or take personally, anything I said or did.  Looking back, I am surprised that he didn't leave me.  I was mean.  I was downright mean.  I said horrible things to him.  Horrible things.  I bit him.  I cut down his favorite tree.  


    During the time of my craziness, I tried really hard not to make any big decisions.  I packed my bags a few times because I thought everyone was against me.  Bit paranoid I guess.  I am so glad I didn't make any decisions that would be difficult to undo.  I am glad I didn't leave.  I am glad he didn't leave.  He did try to be there for me but at times I just hurt him and he expressed some doubt about our marriage.   He was strong for me but he is only human.  We are back on a good track now.   


    The quitting smoking gets so much easier.  It really does.  You will get there.   One thing I've become acutely aware of though is that I smothered a lot of emotions with smoking and alcohol.  Just smoke and/or drink a little more and nothing permeates the barrier.   At this point in my life I am learning how to deal with emotions and expressing myself appropriately.  


    You are reaching the point where the brain fog is lifting.   When it started lifting for me, I learned not to react right away but to take a breath and really think about what was happening.  Perspective is a truly an amazing concept.  I learned mine was all out of whack.   Be patient with yourself and ask him to be patient with you.  This only last a few short months and then you will have the rest of your life to make up.


    You can get through this.   

    Oh great Baffle...now I have to go and ask my husband if I am mean...(meaner as usual) lol


    Love your post...so glad you are here! So glad!

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