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Everything posted by Ladybug

  1. You sound very confident...I like that :-)
  2. I have no idea where I got this from, but it's in my quit diary and I thought I share it with you guys! As to silencing the inner voice: The secret is a repeated conscious choice. If you draw a saw across a log one time, you may make a scratch in the bar. If you draw it across the log a few more times you may scratch the surface of the wood. If you keep drawing the saw across the same place on the log, the scratch will get deeper, until it becomes a cut, then a groove.... If you keep on drawing the saw across the log, beyond counting the number of times, eventually you'll draw it clear through to the other side. Every morning you get up and consciously choose not to smoke today, you're drawing the saw across the log....keep doing that...and you'll reach the other side. Keep sawing!!!
  3. A heartfelt S.N.O.T from me (Smoking is not an option today)
  4. I have so much works it's not even funny :-(

    1. action


      It's OK Bug, it's nearly the weekend... Sort of.

  5. Ladybug

    October until now

    I wish I could give you a hug right now! (((Leanna)))
  6. Good Morning Amy and Iamdoingit! I am very excited to be part of your journey! We are all here for you...Let's do this!
  7. I wish for a good breakfast
  8. Congratulations Petra!
  9. TPAM likes to fish ^_^
  10. You better stay! Where you have an up and down ..you will find a middle as well! There is black and there is white...and so many real colors in between! Listen to your heart! You know how thrilled I am to see you here....and you know that I missed you my Newbie-Quit-Buddy (even though you are not a Newbie anymore)! Once again you made my day! So from the bottom of my heart...Welcome!
  11. Wow....what a great idea! Hi B! Really? Did you hit your head? After all you have learned you think about smoking? You love your smoke free life! You love how you smell! You love how you feel! You love to run! You smile every morning because you don't cough anymore! Really? Still thinking about a cigarette? Well come closer and I hit you on the head!
  12. need my gas or my broom won't work :lol:
  13. I am following as well, I always have my phone on me and can stop working!
  14. Oh Juan....I know you don't want to smoke anymore. I know you are trying hard and please don't get discouraged. I quit after 35 years...if I can do it...so can you! First of all her is a hug ((((Juan))) And this was my quit A-B-C it's still pinned over my work desk! My smoking A-B-C’s and D’s A friend sent this to me in the early stage of my quit and it became my guide! I don't know who wrote it and I don't know if it has been posted here before.....I apologize if it is a double post...but it helped me a lot and I thought I share! The A's: •Avoid situations you know you cannot handle •Alter your response - change the flavor of your coffee, sit in a different room, meet your friends in a neutral (nonsmoking environment) •Accept that some days will be tougher, and that by sticking it out you will get stronger. The B's: •Believe in yourself....you can do this. •Behave! You don't have to be a total brat....it's not going to kill you. The C's: •Cope with it and write down how you feel. •Calm down. There is no reason to panic you don't need cigarettes. The D's •Delay your next craving for as long as possible by: •Distracting yourself - keeping busy is extremely important. Go for a walk, or pull out your guitar. •Drinking lots of water or some herbal teas, keep it in your mouth for a while, enjoy the sensation. Chewing gum can help too. •Deep breathing. An easy way to relax. You might have done this 200-300 times per day when inhaling smoke. Emergency Coping Plan: AVOID the situation. Identify the situations when you normally smoke or chew, or feel cravings. For most, high-risk situations include work breaks, finishing meals, having coffee or being in a bar. Plan how you will avoid these situations for a few weeks. Plan for alternate activities. LEAVE the situation. If you find yourself in one of these high risk situations, leave if you can. And, leave before you get a craving. DISTRACT yourself from the craving. If you find yourself in a situation you can't leave and you get a craving, distract yourself from the craving by: Thinking about something else, like your Benefits of Quitting (or how much money you’re saving every week, how your body is healing itself). Doing something else to distract yourself like drinking water or deep breathing exercises. Thinking about an upcoming event in your life, such as a vacation. DELAY acting on the craving If you can't keep your mind off it, then make a deal with yourself that you will wait 5 minutes before you give into the craving. The craving will usually pass in a couple of minutes anyway. If you delay, the craving will go away. Use SELF TALK A craving may be accompanied by negative thoughts about your ability to resist it. Use positive self talk statements to combat your negative thoughts. Talk loud if you have to
  15. Just for Action: These are Banana Peppers: and these are pickled (canned) Banana Peppers :
  16. It's a banana pepper cut and pickled.....that was self explaining :-) Love them! You guys have Banana Peppers in UK right?????????
  17. Easy Peasy......I will call you Sarge :-)
  18. February 3rd :-) and I still want George Clooney for my 3 months celebration please (naked)
  19. Sgt. Barney ...now how in the world did you come up with that name? I liked Sgt. Sausage :-( Yes you did tell me that right from the start... :-)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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