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Everything posted by Ladybug

  1. It's like a free therapy session :-) Work through it and write down what you think and feel.
  2. That is beautiful! Thank you!
  3. Wow...that's great!~ And so many more to come, its a nice ride!
  4. deleted
  5. S.N.O.T (Smoking is not an option today)
  6. I wish for a somebody to rake the leaves
  7. TPAM has a dry sense of humor (I meant nobody played for hours we forgot about the game and you were the last one
  8. Congratulations Pippa!
  9. Congratulations!
  10. One Month...what a big milestone. That calls for a happy dance! Congratulations
  11. You did it Aine! You stopped smoking! I am very happy for you!
  12. Sleep well non-smoker :-)
  13. Don't be sorry! We are all proud to be part of your journey and we are proud of you! I am not sure if I should answer, since I just quit myself...but for me the most accomplishments in life have something to do with the right mindset. Do I look at a glass half full or is it half empty? Do I feel sad because I think I miss smoking....or do I feel joy because of how good it feels? A few days ago I went to a funeral and met some people I haven't seen in a long time. Some of them were smokers and they asked all kind of questions. I told them my story about my invisible friend "Smokey" the nicodemon who lived on my shoulder. There was a little boy standing beside me, maybe 5-6 years old and he asked if I buried Smokey :-) I explained to him that it was just a made-up story to help me stop smoking and somebody said "you should have buried the cigarettes" to make it official. I thought about it, what a marvelous idea..that's what I should have done to make it official!
  14. That's what it's all about. If I can inspire just one person to quit or stay quit....that would be great!
  15. Nice to meet you Carol...Welcome to the Quittrain! Well, you made the first and most important step, you set a quit date :-) Congratulations! This forum is a wonderful place, you will meet a lot of inspiring people..I can promise you that! My advice would be....read a lot and get involved, get to know people and let us know you! We all are here because we quit smoking! I smoked for 35 years and quit ....if I can do...so can you! It is a bit of a roller coaster....so fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride
  16. Listen to music on your ipod or on your phone, or just take deep breaths and enjoy being smoke free! Juan, some of the smokers around you will be inspired by you!
  17. I have to agree with Rob, I don't like Passenger either and think it is too passive. Quitting smoking is like going to war...you are very active doing the ground work like a soldier! I didn't care for engineer too much! This board will be home for a lot of people for many years to come, there will be non smokers here you actually studied engineering. I would like things like: Warrior Knight Jedi (Master) I guess you can call me (almost) anything as long as it means I am a non smoker :-) A title worth fighting for :-)
  18. Ok so how much space do I need, lets say for 20 lbs a year?
  19. true...there was no perfect time in 35 years!
  20. Ladybug

    chicks or sticks

  21. I never thought about relapse and then I started reading about it and it got to me. Somebody called me the "one quit wonder" and it made me swallow hard...why would I be one of them who didn't relapse? So relapse became theoretical an option and a possibility...but will never happen in real! Why not....because I said so ....and...because I am prepared! Some life situations make me feel like I want to pull out my own hair...well I don't do that either! I probably make no sense at all!
  22. I had a "pea brain" for about 1 week...I was fine..but all people around me had a bad week because they all were annoying :-) You don't want to smoke anymore...and you are doing great. You are kicking Smokey to the curb! I am so proud of you, if I may say so. When I was a child I felt intimidated by some people, then somebody told me "picture them in silly underwear" and it did wonders for me. Today I use it when I want to scream "Shut up" and it makes me smile inside :-)
  23. TPAM has been forgotten here today :-)
  24. I wish for a birdbath

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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