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Everything posted by Ladybug

  1. Welcome Anna...nice to meet you :-) 6 days smoke free on your own..Congratulations...well done! I am glad you are here and I am glad you posted. This forum is a wonderful place, you will meet a lot of inspiring people..I can promise you that! My advice would be....read a lot and get involved, get to know people and let us know you! We all are here because we quit smoking! Just enjoy the ride with us!
  2. Oh Boy :-) I wake up between 2 and 3 am. I get up and start working. I never slept more than 5 hours and lately it seems I don't need even that. But..I do sleep like a rock when I am a sleep. I get up and I am well rested. I don't cough anymore during the night.
  3. S.N.O.T. from me (Smoking is not an option today)
  4. You got "fog brain" that's how I called it. I had the intention span of a Goldfish, they call it "Goldfish syndrome" hi i'm sam. do you like my bowl? oh look sea puff...gone! Everything was a little "fogy" I couldn't concentrate very well and felt irritated. A lot of your symptoms sound like anxiety. We all react differently, but we all feel something "weird" going on...some changes that we just can't explain. I felt slightly off center, a little bit off balance!
  5. Good to see you Jake! I was always happy about my quit, but I felt miserable with the weight gain, I was uncomfortable in my clothes, everything was tight and I didn't like it. I felt loaded and bloated and it didn't make me happy. The moment I started to eat healthier (still eat chocolate but not all the time) and the moment when I started to exercise more..that's when I felt better.
  6. You don't like to gamble and you don't smoke, I guess that means you won't be in the casino's. It's your anniversary....have a romantic get away! Make it your own....don't do what everybody else does...do what you two want to do! Anniversary - Jacuzzi in the bedroom - champagne.....who needs cigarettes and gambling :-)
  7. Oh dear Tracey...I am so proud of you. Thank you for being here, thank you for being you, thank you for being there for me! Congratulations on 5 months
  8. Oh Ross, I am so glad you are getting tests done. Getting tests done in the hospital is always a good idea, because everything is in one building and they don't have send "stuff" around from a to z! Do I have words of wisdom...No I don't....yes....... wait I do
  9. well..how come I haven't seen this before...too funny...would put my money on Julie (sorry MQ)
  10. Ladybug

    Day 5

    Great....I was hoping to hear from you today! You are doing fantastic!
  11. TPAM kann dies verstehen (does understand what I am saying)
  12. my curfew was sunset....And I better was home by then...or....well they call it child abuse today. I got a few "smacks" and missed a few that I should have gotten lol
  13. well then.....guess what ...so do I :-) and I always buy smoked salmon in Canada...I might pick it up one year :-)
  14. I wish I could jump in my car and drive by your house. I would pick up a nice dessert or something special and we could sit together and talk about our best friends. We could cry and laugh together and I could give you the big hug you so deserve! I am glad you quit!
  15. Congrats on your start :-) I am not sure..it sounds like we might be both still young but older :-) Good job...well done!
  16. I think I was lucky. My husband smokes, but he has been very supportive. We never smoked inside, even as a smoker I didn't want the smell in the house. I know the whole thing scared him at first. I think he was afraid that this might change our relationship....nothing changed between us. He smokes and I don't. I wish he would quit smoking as well and it sounds like he is thinking about it. I quit with cigarettes in our house, with ashtrays in front of me. There was only one night when it felt overwhelmed and I asked him to hide them in his car. I think we scare smokers...we show them what they need to do. We remind them that it can be done! I am sorry about your friend ....you would think a "scare" makes people quit! Maybe one day she will surprise you and will quit and so will my husband...I hope so!
  17. My first date, the poor boy had to pick me up and he had to come inside...there was an interview...he survived :-) He called my parents "Mr" and "Mrs" and I did the same to all of my friends parents. "Yes Mam" and "No Sir" that's how we were raised
  18. I know...that's how I felt yesterday. I almost asked "so how high are the bets?" and "what are the odds".
  19. I pledged a while ago ..I pledged to pay it forward and that's what I am trying to do and I will continue to do so! The location changed...but not the meaning of my pledge! I am committed to "pay it forward for 1 year. I am committed to sign up for support as often as I can..I am committed to help other people who want to quit for 1 year. I will be around for a while :-) This has been the meaning of my pledge then...and now!
  20. your welcome...I can be a little bugger :-)
  21. Let me correct that for you!
  22. I can not believe I am hearing " one day I will be where you are" wow......I thought the same about so many people here! It's like we all are climbing up a very high and long staircase....and you look up and some are already on the 2nd floor when you just managed the first step. I hang on to the person before me -I believe it's Julie's Belt- she drags me with her and people behind me are pushing me up :-)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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