I found what I read. It was on this website
I think it was his book someone suggested too. I haven't got it yet but I still might.
I know I shouldn't wait too long before I try again. And I am putting it off at the moment. I just find it very hard knowing I have to go to school. I think I need more than 2 or 3 days after how I felt last time. And the next long break I get is at the end of March. I did think about pretending I had covid or something so I could stay home but I don't want to lie. But then I also haven't tried NRTs yet so maybe that will make it easier just for the first few days.
I've still been thinking a lot about things I can do to keep busy and triggers. The weather is getting better so that should make it easier too.
I also had a chat to my best friend. She wants me to quit. I told her what it was like when I tried to quit last time and she suggested I stay at her place for a few days while I quit. That way I can't smoke but also we can do things together all the time so I'm not thinking about smoking so much. I don't know if I can yet. And I know she's gonna hate me after that lol. But I think it is a good idea.
I'm going to stay on here for now and keep reading and keep thinking about everything. I am definitely going to get there however long it takes me.