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Everything posted by robin0212

  1. Cheers to overcoming a year @overcome!!
  2. Thanks @Gus!!
  3. Thanks Brioski!
  4. Thank you overcome. Feels good right now not to be a slave to it!
  5. Thank you Doreen
  6. Thank you Denali! Looking forward to that happy place!
  7. Thanks Jillar! What a great article. I am definitely going through the sad phase, but it's getting a little tiny bit better each day. It's helpful to know it's normal.
  8. 2 weeks today! Yay! I am having that "something"s missing" feeling. I remember this from my previous quit. I hate this feeling. It so indescribable and weird. Does anybody ever feel this way? Maybe it's grief. Uggh good grief !
  9. Hi Leap, Just reading thru this. Lots of great advice on here! Addicts are the best rationalizers! (I don't even think that's a word is it?) It's part of the disease and very sneaky. I recognize when my mind is trying to play that game. You will know when its time. There is so much support here. Stay close.
  10. Congrats!!! @Sandi149hope you are celebrating big!
  11. Congrats on 4 months Brioski!! Enjoy that gelato!
  12. Thanks overcome!
  13. Thank you. I can live without smoking right? Yes i can yes i can .....deep breaths and drinking ice water through a straw helps.
  14. Thank you for the reminder ! Profile updated! Going to work on the ticker I couldn't figure out lol.
  15. So far so good! I just read your other post. Sounds like you are pushing through and going strong! Fantastic!
  16. Thanks Brioski. I walked by a guy smoking yesterday and I felt like vomiting. So happy for that.
  17. Hi Leap, I'm hoping it was a reminder. Nope no NRT.
  18. I want to be a non-smoker. I hate the thought of smoking. I've been reading about coping skills. I'm very tired. I just want to sleep or cry. Nothing we all haven't been through. Thank you for the push. I need to hear this.
  19. Thank you for your response Overcome-It's such a roller coater! I agree easier just not to smoke. I don't have any cigarettes and I don't want to frantically drive to a store so that's a good sign!
  20. Will do!!
  21. Thanks DenaliBlues. No smoking today.
  22. Did not smoke today. I absolutely do not recommend weaning. When I quit the first time I tried to wean. Never worked. I tried the gum, decided I didn't want to have to get off the nicotine and just quit. It lasted over 2 years and I have felt awful since going back.
  23. @LeapOfFaiththank you for this, I'm hoping just a blip. Couldn't really enjoy it because of the guilt
  24. Omg. Had half last night. None today, and have none left. Maybe a blip. What a wreck.
  25. Thanks @jillar! I will try this.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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