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Everything posted by Lust4Life2016

  1. Congratulations on 11 smokefree years @BAT!!
  2. I enjoy ending a year not smoking and starting another year not smoking.
  3. I was waiting for the skillet!
  4. Welcome back Stewbum! Post here BEFORE the temptation takes over! We can steer you to safety. Not harshing you by any means Lord knows I didn’t quit the first, second, tenth time around!! Glad you’re back. Get it done in 2025!!!
  5. Woo-hoo! 10 years is amazing!
  6. @Kdad- welcome back!!! I remember you! Divorce sucks. I’m headed there too. So glad you found your way back here. You know the drill (obviously bc YOU ROCK posting SOS). We are here. So are you! Happy New Year! You got this- if you don’t, we’ve got you!! NOPE!
  7. Congratulations NSJ! I miss your presence here! So glad to celebrate #7 with you!
  8. Quality analyst
  9. Hello and welcome aboard! You’ll find lots of support and motivation here. Congratulations on taking the steps to a better and healthier you. If you feel your quit is in jeopardy- post a SOS on the SOS thread and folks will come to help keep your precious quit in tact. The games section here is a great way to pass the time and think about stuff other than smoking! Again, welcome. Glad you’re here! -Lust4Life
  10. It is the generic for Chantix. This makes me think Chantix is now off patent. Lower costs follow when that happens!Cost was a likely deterrent for many. This barrier is now lifted, hopefully! —L4L
  11. Congratulations on 8 years of smobriety Hope2Nope! I remember when our quits were new and fragile. Look at us now!
  12. Yep to NOPE!!!
  13. Yep to NOPE!!!
  14. 1. Smoke free for 8 years and 3 weeks 2. Today I’m going to do a few chores I want to get off my list and then relax!
  15. Thanks All! I was focused on Hurricane Helene (faired OK thankfully) and my anniversary came & went. Pretty nice not worrying about running out of cigs during a natural disaster. Plenty of other things to worry about! Being a quitter never gets old. I enjoy it and enjoy paying it forward as others did for me! Yep to NOPE!
  16. kangaroo
  17. Early on- one of the greatest motivations for keeping my quit was the thought of having to quit all over again.
  18. Well shoot. I was hoping this would have gained more traction. Especially with the newbies. It was a bit lengthy. But then, consider the author. Have I ever posted a quickie?
  19. Recently got back from traveling. I often forget about ever being a smoker. My memories do get triggered sometimes. TV shows, movies, songs. Nothing reminds me of smoker’s angst like traveling. Flying to be exact. I always arrive hours before my flight because flying out of the airport I use requires it! It is a busy one. Of course I get out of the taxi at the butt-crack of dawn and get slapped in the face by the nasty hand cigarette smoke. I make it through their haze, get my bag checked, clear security and have plenty of time to get to my gate- with a stop or two for shopping along the way and maybe a Bloody Mary (just 1 okay maybe 2 tops because I’ve cut waaaay back on drinking but hate take off). My airport- from what I can tell and smell-has gotten rid of the smoking lounges. How many smokers miss their flight because they push it to the limit getting checked in? Also curious how many drinkers miss theirs because they are getting “just one more”? Truth be told once upon a time in my younger years I missed a flight because I was in the bar and didn’t hear final boarding call. My flight was less than 2 hours. I wonder how many were chomping at the bit. I get to baggage claim and patiently wait for my luggage. Didn’t need to run outside first. Got my luggage and head out to get a ride…through another suffocating haze of smoke. Get to my hotel. Have to pass through another damn curtain of smoke. But once in my room- I didn’t have to leave until my meetings started. No running outside to inhale poison in 110 degree weather. Nope. Cool comfort of AC for me please! Meetings used to stress me out because- closet smoker here had to plan escapes! Not anymore! I had leisurely breaks, got fancy coffee- delicious lunches!! I’m glad I’m not a prisoner to that addiction anymore. It is freeing to travel and explore without being chained to the bench outside. NOPE!!! L4L
  20. Happy 11 th anniversary Doreen! You are a great cheerleader and motivator to so many! Thank you!!!
  21. @Stewbum CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to the Lido Deck!! What a wild climb but worth it. I’m so proud of you for coming back on board and getting it done!!! Great job! L4L
  22. Happy Independence Day USA! The only thing I’m smoking today is a pork butt.
  23. @Gus great post and insight. Those CDC commercials (that one plus the lady with the trach, and the man with the heart surgery scar) have been around for quite awhile. They have recently started airing again. I remember seeing them early in my quit. Oddly enough- I have friends that work at CDC- even worked on the anti-smoking campaigns. There is a shift in the messaging. If you see the newer anti-smoking ads (the ones for menthol cigs) - the focus is being mad at Big Tobacco. The sleazy marketing Big T used to lure certain demographics. That shift (continuing to expose the lies) will hopefully resonate vs the bad things happen to smokers approach. How many smokers read the warning labels on their packs while opening it, taking out a cigarette and lighting it? Or just plain avoid looking at the label-or don’t look because their talking, watching TV etc. I read the labels. Didn’t stop me. What if the labels listed the annual profits to Big T and/or the annual cost to one person to treat smoking related illness(es). Learning about addiction (Allen Carr)& the corruption of Big T really guided me in my quit… …And the online support! L4L

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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