Hi Penguin,
I am so glad that you didn't give up your quit!!! I know what it's like to want to go back and/or have feelings to go back. We all do! What's easy is NOT taking even 1 puff of a cig!!! That's easy to NOT take one!! What's difficult is, if you take a puff, you will want more and more and then you will be addicted, and you will need to quit smoking AGAIN!!! THAT, WILL BE SO HARD!!! Who wants to go through all those withdrawal symptoms? Definitely NOT ME!!!
You MUST stay quit for yourself, because any of those people will NOT help you!! I know quitting is NOT easy, we ALL DO!!! My mom lives downstairs from me and she is a smoker. I visit her a lot, and believe me, I would love to smoke one of her cigs from time to time, but I DON'T!!! I go down there and, yeah, it bothers me at times smelling the smoke, or seeing her smoking, BUT if I take a puff, nothing will change except, that I will now be addicted. That is why I don't go back to smoking, because smoking IS difficult in many many ways, (not even the obvious ones). There are so many other ways besides the obvious ones that make smoking difficult!
Just take in all of what we all have to say! You are doing amazing!! Keep coming back here Penguin, every day!!!
Happy New Year!!!