Thanks so much folks! I can't believe it's been a year already. It seems like yesterday when I came on this site talking about how I was struggling with the weaning method smoking two cigs a day. I think back to those early days and how horrible I felt, climbing the walls, being such a beyatch. Ohh it was a horrible time for sure and I was such a mess. Thank you for all your help and friendship, I appreciate it so much. I am definitely going to remain vigilant, and the easiest way to remain quit, is to just not take that one cigarette!! I think I am doing so well, considering my mom lives downstairs from me and she smokes, (we own a 2 family house), and I am down by her a lot. I think me smelling her smoke keeps me in check and makes me stronger. I certainly could have stolen a cig or two when she wasn't looking, but I won't. Although I still do get the urge, but it's not nearly as bad as it was in the beginning. Being a part of The Train has helped me tremendously, getting advice from all of you, but also giving advice to newbies who have climbed aboard after me. I consider myself a "regular" passenger on The Train now. I'm not a newbie anymore, but I will always need The Train. @Reciprocity, as you say, quitting smoking is a lifelong job, so that is why I am always gonna be around here!
I am truly touched by your kindness and friendship towards me and I really consider you my friends even though it's online. It's too bad we all live in different parts of the country and world, it would be so great to have a meetup!
Thanks so much again guys!!