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Everything posted by QuittingGirl

  1. Eggplant
  2. Nachos
  3. Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and just recently quit smoking, my last cigarette was Monday night at around 7.30 after dinner, May 22nd. I haven't had a cigarette in almost 72 hours! Yay!! It's not easy as all of you know, but my question is....are there any pre diabetics/diabetics here who have quit smoking? I am a pre diabetic, I have been for about 8 years now. I'm not on any medication, but I try to watch my carbs to an extent. My A1C has been between 5.9-6.1 for most of the time that I was diagnosed. Anyway, another question that I have is how do you quit smoking AND watch your carbs and diet? I am trying to watch my carb intake, but it's difficult because not smoking makes me so hungry!! I hope this is the right place to post this in since I'm a newbie to this whole website and forums. Thank you for helping me! Sandi
  4. Salad
  5. Thanks everyone....I am now posting on this thread.
  6. I am totally insane over this!!! Thank you all for helping me....I am going to try my best. My husband quit back in 2018 but he is totally not understanding at all. I would think he would be understanding, but he isn't!!! He has been horrible to me. I just can't deal with this!! Ugh! It's so difficult!!!
  7. Yes, the cost is very high, if I go without insurance. As I said, I have insurance but they don't know that I smoke anymore. With insurance it's free now, without, $500 a month. Way too much for my budget. Yes the Nicorette stuff is way more affordable...maybe like $40-50 a week and it's like a 2-4 week program. I don't know what to do! I'm afraid these cravings will last for months, even if I go cold turkey! It's just horrible!!! Thank you for your help!!! Really appreciate it!! Ok I get it, but if I go on the Nicorette which is also weaning, how will that work out for me? Won't it be the same as weaning from actual cigs?
  8. Thank you Johnny5, I can't do the Chantix again because my insurance company doesn't know I smoke now. Back when I quit in 2009, Chantix wasn't covered by insurance and it cost me with a pharmacy discount $120 a month, which was expensive. Now it's covered by insurance, but as I mentioned, they don't know that I smoke and the price now of the Chantix is $500 a month which is totally insane and I cannot afford it. So, I'm trying to do the weaning method. Once you gave up smoking for good, how long did the cravings last? The cravings now are really horrible even though I'm smoking 1-2 a day, and I can't imagine the cravings will get better, if I have no cigs? Do you think if I go on the patch/lozenges, gum will that help me more than my method? Thank you!
  9. Thank you for replying! I have another question. The patch/gum/lozenges are also a cutting down method? I know several people who used that method and are quit now for many years. Is the cutting down method I am using, the same as the patch/lozenges, etc? Do people still get the horrible cravings when using that method? Thank you!
  10. Hi, I am a new member and trying to wean myself off of smoking, (2nd time trying to quit...first time, back in 2009 I quit for 6 years but then went back). I have been a 3/4 pack a day smoker and I have been weaning myself off for the past 2-3 weeks. As of now, I'm smoking 1-2 cigs a day and it's very difficult because of the physical cravings. I'm very irritable and it's just so hard this time. Last time I used Chantix and it was very easy, this time doing the weaning method and it's not easy at all! Any advice? I would greatly appreciate it. What do you do to get rid of the physical urges? Thanks so much! Sandi

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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