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Nicole Diver

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Everything posted by Nicole Diver

  1. Alex and Sierra.
  2. Oh my gosh. I'm sorry still HM about the vertigo but this just cracked me up.
  3. Holy crap HM, I've had like real mild symptoms like that and it's terrible. I cannot even imagine. Hope the meds help! I think you need to go relax in hot tub.
  4. Sending positive vibes to you and Mrs. Bakon! The woman deserves a medal for putting up with a scamp like you. ;-)
  5. I am a bit of a loner so really I think all I would leave behind is the hb and my yorkie. And he'd get over it quicker'n you could say 'Jack Robinson.' (The dog, not the hb.) I am just terrified of death, but I have a lot of people I have been waiting a very long time to talk to again when I go. It's going to be a grand party.
  6. Yay! Congrats! You are doing so well, you should be very happy with yourself =)
  7. I agree! Hope all is well.
  8. Fantastic! Thanks for all the laughs and very well done to you. Many congrats!
  9. Nicole Diver

    Day One

    So far so good, did biggest loser power ab blast at lunch and then 20 min on Jacob's ladder after work. (I was on a time crunch because my ride coming to pick me up. Have found it much easier for me, and more cost effective in general, for hb to drive me. His car gets way better mpg than my element.) Since my weakness is late night snacking on multiple granola bars, again this week I have not a granola bar in the house. If I want to snack tonight it's apple or pineapple. Damn sweet tooth!
  10. I am NOT letting hb see this thread. He's all about the gaming. For me, candy crush <3
  11. Colleen, in your honor I am eating some reduced fat white cheddar cheez - its. Here's to you!
  12. + I love the new pic too.
  13. 2 years = where we will all be soon if we keep on NTAP shuffling. Just a wonderful amazing accomplishment. I commented on the banner, but just another congrats.
  14. Agreed with Bacon, that is huge. One success at a time, that is how it's done.
  15. Nicole Diver


    This is pry going to be a real snooze fest, made really for the main purpose of me getting on the diet wagon and staying there (except like July 4th holiday weekend, holiday weekends are freebies, amirite.) So, starting tomorrow - I am for really realz gonna be better at eating. I did so good the last 2 weeks, then blew it this weekend. So this is my lil 'self help' blog. Help for the helpless. Or the clueless. Or those in love with cookies. Whatevs. This here is by far the best workout app I have seen - I was dumb and paid the $3.99 but most of it is free and the free stuff is just as good: http://dailyworkoutapps.com/ Look for this type logo and you know you are in the right place and don't have to weed thru the junk wasting time trying to find a good one. The abs one is wayyy good. I've been using it for almost 8 months about 4x/week. That said, I am off to my lazy workout. 2 eps of "Parks n Rec" while on the elliptical. Hey! It's something, right? I'll tell ya, it's damn near impossible to run when you don't eat right (tried that theory out again yesterday with same results..)
  16. OMG I'd forgotten about that kind of shiz. My mentality was 'drop on my skin, I will heal but the car seats won't!'
  17. I missed something!
  18. Nicole Diver


    Hey where's Tiff?
  19. "Shhh" to myself getting ice out of the freezer b/c hb crashed out on the couch from an all night Netflix bender. When was the last time you really cried from a book, and what book was it?
  20. I'm happy for a Monday not at work. Other than when I had eye surgery, this is the first time in recent memory. So, yay!
  21. Many congrats, you are doing fabulous job, very well done Paula.

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