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Nicole Diver

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Everything posted by Nicole Diver

  1. Great job!! You are doing it like a boss.
  2. Joe I am so sorry to hear of your uncle's death. My sympathies to you and your family. Lovely vacation pictures, thanks for posting them. We have missed you lots.
  3. Welcome! We all have our different motivations to quit, and once we do it, we realize all the benefits we didn't even think about at the time. Do you have a date set? We are here for you, anything you need at all. This place is where you can go to for advice, laughs, vents, we will help you every step of the way.
  4. I was scared to quit, but terrified not to. Scared to fail-but even more afraid to succeed as I thought that would mean I would be unhappy forever. Everything used to be scary when I was a smoker. I am so glad I was wrong on so many counts.
  5. Yogi you are awesome, very well done to you. Many congrats.
  6. Marti, I am so happy for you. You truly are inspiring to all who think it can't be done.
  7. Well done. Very good to see such success.
  8. This is awesome. Look at how far Yogi has come :D
  9. Great job Gabby!!
  10. Ick pass to both. TPBM prefers crushed ice to cubed
  11. Oh bakon you know you had the time of your life
  12. bakon you are a crack up. I roll in and you roll out
  13. When I first quit and found a group of likeminded people, I was so relieved! We are here for you day or night. This is a place to vent, laugh, go to for advisement, or anything random you want to talk about. Congrats on an awesome decision, you will never regret it!
  14. Great job! If you can make it a week you can do anything!
  15. I miss everyone that is not here. As long as they are frolicking in the sunset and not smoking I am happy as a clam for them. If any are not still smokefree, I wish they would be ready already to come back and we can help. No one is perfect but we have to keep trying. I miss Markus, though I am 100% sure he is good.
  16. Delta, so good to see you :wub: You jet setter! I think...that...having once been an addict, we are recovered (and free!) but of course we do not have amnesia. We can still have thoughts from time to time. Sometimes even the junkie will try and sneak up and goose a person. But people think about a lot of things they don't actually do. You know the old sayings "no one every regrets quitting smoking, everyone regrets starting smoking." And "the ex smoker holds all the cards." Once, a few months into my quit, I almost had the crazy thought that I had a little something over never smokers, b/c I got to experience the self empowerment of beating an addiction. Silly, huh. But really, when you think about it, we are all rock stars. :friends:
  17. Congrats!
  18. It's really good! I was a huge reader until i had PRK eye surgery about 7 months ago and couldn't read for a few weeks. Audibles saved my sanity and I still prefer them. I still read but wish everythign was on audibe,
  19. Listening to the Felix Castor audibles? I'm on book one, 'The Devil You Know.'
  20. I don't get twitter at all, but I'm there now! I'm in! It appears my account that I set up several years ago has had someone tweeting about weight loss products for sale on my behalf :P
  21. I love those flip sides. Imagine those covered in fudge :wub:
  22. Great job RWW!
  23. Woo hoo do lots of fun things and then tell us all about it. :D

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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