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Nicole Diver

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Everything posted by Nicole Diver

  1. Nicole Diver


    Hey Bakon, what a student of the the psychology of the individual you are.
  2. I wish I could have a cat! Please adopt one of these guys, they are sooo adorable. Ugh, I cannot even stand to think about all the pets that need homes. I think my yorkie wouldn't last a day in a shelter, but I guess none of these animals are equipped for that type of thing.
  3. Nicole Diver


    Sad thing is, I still have it in my freezer.
  4. I was taking a drink when I read this, and water came out of my nose when I laughed. Too funny!
  5. I wanna come but hb almost finished making dinner...I might be able to come in after. Though last night I was talking about moonshine so much I started to feel like I'd been drinking it.
  6. This is funny on his website too. I may never look at Vin Diesel the same again...and that's really sad.. http://www.collegehumor.com/post/6894493/balding-vin-diesel-looks-wussier-than-bald-vin-diesel
  7. What a great article! Funny but was oh-so-true I feel exactly the same way Beacon.
  8. I hadn't thought of that Colleen. We'd always just taken him to Petsmart. Now that I've invested in the clippers I think we are stuck giving him hair cuts until we just can't stand to look at him like that though. ^^This. Another reason why I don't have kids.
  9. Ty Rach. Ordinarily he is much cuter than that. :mellow: He looks like he's got some kind of disease, some patches really short. Like he is not growing hair in places. And it took forevs. Jiminy crickets.
  10. So I'm trying to cut some corners cuz my hb back in school and working part time. We bought like some kind of trimmer for our yorkie and gave him a grooming ourselves. Cocoa looks just ridic. Somehow, I have no idea how, he somehow got nicked on his back leg. He's a trooper though didn't even whine. Just squirmed around like no other. So he does not look good at all, but it's like $70 a throw to get him groomed. Jeez, what an ordeal.
  11. Great post Lisa, and so true. As a smoker, I thought I could never 'get through' things/life/etc without my little crutch. I never thought I'd be able to handle them. Low and behold, we can, and it's actually easier without the added stress that comes with being an addict.
  12. TPAM has excellent taste in sunglasses.
  13. Nicole Diver


    I was super excited too. It's $5 a pint. It just tastes like the part of the ice cream that's really freezer burnt on regular ice cream. Blech.
  14. Successorize
  15. Nicole Diver


    Looks good! This stuff is crap: http://www.arcticzero.com/
  16. Let's just stop to think about that. 34 THOUSAND smokes. That is a so many. That is simply amazing. And amazing too is the amount of poisonous chemicals we put into our bodies. I think there is so much propaganda that it's soooo hard to quit smoking that a lot people either don't try, and keep spending money on cigs, or spend tons of money on smoking cessation tools. While in the back of their minds thinking it's unlikely they will succeed, because such a small % of people do. (I know I was one of those on my 3 previous quits. My first quit was at 19. Second at 21. Third at 32, quite a bit of space in between 21 and 32. Final quit at 37.) It's a self fulfilling prophesy! It's not the easiest thing in the world to quit, but the tough stuff is so temporary. Thanks for being an example of being a happy ex smoker. I'd like to think I am too. At least most of the time ^_^
  17. Welcome and Congrats on the great decision!
  18. Nicole Diver


    I have some no sugar added vanilla in the freezer..and a banana, and some maraschino cherries.
  19. Nutella is evil and not allowed in my house.
  20. Wow. It's just crazy. I glanced at some non smoking app, and I do not know how accurate it is, but it says 3,414,000 have died from tobacco related diseases since I quit. There are several videos on youtube to peek at of smoker's coughs, if I ever begin to remotely romance the cig.
  21. Just watched the first ep of 'Revenge' at the gym. Heard it was amazing, and yes, so far so good.
  22. Love the song. Love your hair too!!
  23. I am madly in love with Sara Bareilles

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