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Nicole Diver

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Everything posted by Nicole Diver

  1. Tracey you are doing out of this world! Very well done.
  2. Thinking this one doth protest too much..
  3. Looks legit to me....
  4. Let's see your moves...
  5. I am still trying to figure out who the *real* Colleen is. No more dancing distractions. ;-)
  6. Fo shiz!
  7. WHY can't sushi be low calorie. And inexpensive.
  8. LOVE this song too.
  9. Question on this - like I used to run quite a bit, and then for the last few months life has gotten in the way. I started couch to 5k and noticed whether I slowed down to a walk in intervals or ran the whole time, I was just as tired. Would you suggest still following the program or just saying to heck with it and run the whole time? I'm not quite "feeling it" yet either way.
  10. I'm not convinced....
  11. Nicole Diver


    Will the real Colleen please stand up?
  12. More 'Revenge' and more cardio. This show is making me love cardio again!
  13. Hi DJ. I think it comes down to this: you are not going to smoke, we know this, but will you have fun, or will it be more trouble than it's worth? For me, I don't have quite the same desire to go to Vegas as I used to always have.
  14. Thinking of you! Hope it all turns out. Please keep us posted.
  15. Congrats to you CS! Well done!
  16. He's just copying me cuz I changed my av....
  17. Nicole Diver


    I don't know how people do it either! And I like the new av lots too. Though the onesie will go down in history...
  18. She is a kick. Look forward to seeing her back.
  19. I'm just finishing up cardio during 2 eps of Revenge. This is the best show to watch while working out.
  20. Donnie was my first love. He just got engaged to Jenny McCarthy. Maybe in my next life...
  21. Turkey wraps: 1 wrap 3 thin slices of turkey Lettuce 1 wedge laughing cow cheese - you choose the flavor Pepper to taste.
  22. Joe, I am so very proud of you! You are a rockstar! Very well done.
  23. This one helped me so much!
  24. Hob?

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