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Kerry last won the day on January 31 2023

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  1. Thank you everyone It's lovely to have all the support and encouragement luckily have a few days off work and have now finished my 4mg gum so onto the 2mg fingers crossed I can drop down and not be to unbearable to live with .
  2. Thank you @jillar sometimes i feel like a fake as I still need nicotine gum but don't intend to be on it for longer than necessary. I do not want to stop one bad habit and replace with another bad habit . So fingers crossed I can wean of the gum and onto just normal no nicotine gum .
  3. Hi Doreensfree I'm doing great I've now done 32 days I can't believe I'm still not vaping still chewing my gum and have bought the 2mg gum for when I've finished my next strip of 4mg Hubby and my one son are vaping away still and it doesn't bother me I actually am enjoying the smell from it . Into month 2 now and hoping I can continue to be strong I'm still getting moments where I think I could murder a vape but the gum is helping and stopping me .
  4. NOPE
  5. I'm here
  6. NOPE
  7. What's everyone doing today . It's my last day of my annual leave I've had a whole week of doing nothing and today I pay the price . I have a Ton of washing loads of housework and a Sunday roast to cook . Both boys at work and hubby can give me a hand so it will be done (hopefully quicker) then a really lazy rest of the day
  8. NOPE
  9. I no its not much to shout about but it is a huge achievement for me. 2 whole weeks without a vape I have managed to get up get dressed and go to work without being a massive grinch to everyone . I've been on annual leave for 7 days and have made sure i have just chilled out and relaxed if things haven't got done then they haven't got done .... I think I have cracked this I've had massive help from my nic gum and i no if I had tried to quit cold turkey I wouldn't have managed it . The support and help on this forum has been fantastic ... Now to get threw week 3
  10. NOPE
  11. Sorry your not feeling well . But having a smoke will make u feel worse when you finished it . Its ten drags of a cigarette you can do this take some breathing exercises and be kind to yourself . You will feel so much better for not smoking .
  12. NOPE
  13. NOPE!
  14. Thank you everyone .. I'm back home in my pj's with a huge grin on my face as when all the smokers/vapers went out I stayed at the table with the non smokers . So so proud of myself and yes I took my gum with me .
  15. Thank you everyone for your replys and messages of support it's lovely to see I'm not on my own ... yesterday and today have been great and I'm now heading into day 11 and a half. Have a works night out tonight mainly all smokers/vapers but my plan is no alcohol as alcohol and vaping go hand in hand so mocktails for me

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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