Much easier today than when I first started! Several things has changed for it to be that way, and I've learned a lot in how to deal with the cravings.
- Apparently anger will drain the body of nicotine, so that explains the VERY strong urges I had Saturday when I was fuming. Also as I've dealt with that by taking a cigarette before, so I have to find better ways to deal with that emotion. The anger today gave me much less cravings, showing how the body has rid itself of the vast majority of the nicotine.
- I've only had 4 cups of coffee today (the measurement cups, not actual mugs I drink from! They are way larger!) and I used a smaller cup to see if that helped by tricking me to think I'd had more than I had. That didn't work, the coffee was gone in no time. But I switched to tea instead for the rest of the day, and had 3 cups of that. It really improved the cravings, or rather what I'd thought was cravings. It really was the buzz from the caffeine I'm no longer used to feeling, and so mistook that for nicotine cravings.
- It helps doing stuff I don't normally do, but I don't think that's a long term answer. I have to go back to my normal life sooner or later, so I have to learn to deal with it in my normal situation. But perhaps it will help during these first few days at least. Also I'm looking forward to wash down everything to get rid of the staining!
All in all I think the first three days will be much easier now than my original three first days. Most of the filth is out of my system by now, so the hardest detox part is probably over. Mucous is starting to come out as well, less fun, hehe! But not too bad. A bit more cough and a bit more stuffy in my sinuses. Blood sugar has started to normalize; the first days I got a wolf hunger about every second hour - which I am NOT used to! But that has mostly gone now and been replaced by a more normal sense of hunger. I knew the cigarettes affected my hunger, but didn't realize how much! Also my head is a bit more in place now, though sometimes I zone out a bit still. It's fairly exciting to find out how my body will work without regular administrations of poison!
Upward and onward!