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Everything posted by Brioski

  1. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  2. Jenga!!
  3. Brioski

    True or False

    Yea…right overcome…neva eva looked? True, but in the past tense…I painted Starry Night on my bedroom ceiling in high school TNP: watches game show network
  4. 10. Wipe your students’/kids boogers and nose w them. (I don’t miss that aspect of teaching) 10 things you can do with a spare bedroom
  5. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  6. Thank you guys…I’m feeling better definitely. I cannot tell you how much it helps not only posting but reading your replies of support. I can tell you….THANK YOU… . Truly.
  7. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  8. Thank you, @johnny5, you’re right, it won’t, but the feeling to go back is so overwhelming it almost hurts. **** this addiction. I keep reading your two quotes at the bottom by your ticker… I won’t buy some or smoke some but it’s so ******* hard. I don’t wanna not breathe, but I want to smoke. How f’D up is that. You guys all went through this and came out the other side? Damn. Some strong frigging ppl here. I just hope this passes sooner rather than later.
  9. Wanting one bad right now. Overwhelmed with house work, a little tiff w the hubby, I just feel like a failure, why am I feeling this way. I feel like the only answer is to go get a pack. Screw it all is how I feel.
  10. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  11. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  12. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  13. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  14. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  15. Thank you for your posts I woke up this morning, expecting to have the shortness of breath I’ve had for the past 14 days or so, and like magic, it was gone. Taking deep deep breaths all day. It feels nice, but what does my brain tell me? You guessed it. Had another day talking at the triggers I was experiencing. My hunny called on his way home from work and asked if he should pick anything up for me and I said cigarettes!! Lol, half kidding…he obviously skipped over that completely and said, so kfc ok for dinner? (Because cooking has been tough, usually it’s cig breaks in between and w the shortness of breath it’s more than usual takeout) anyway, thanks for listening
  16. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  17. https://youtu.be/aJwXbZAoI_A
  18. Aww @jillar thank you…made me cry!! (In a good way this time lol)
  19. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  20. Just sitting here crying, frustrated at so many things. A thought of let’s buy a pack today came in my head and I talked myself down. Just really emotional right now. Sick of feeling like this at times, sick of feeling out of breath still, sick of looking at myself bc I know I put on weight. I think this is the point last year when I gave in and bought a pack…on the 16th/17th day. Ugh wtf.
  21. Amazing!! All the very best to you and fam!
  22. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  23. Brioski

    chicks or sticks

  24. Love this, needed this today
  25. Brioski

    chicks or sticks


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