I agree w the others, especially Jill… it’s totally the addiction knowing it can win u over w those thoughts. Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally new to this staying quit thing and who knows maybe it’ll pull me back in too (hopefully not and I’m not leaning that way lol). So maybe I’m not the person to listen to or trust. But I’m saying it doesn’t make u lesser a strong, good person. I’ve learned those thoughts of being cynical and the way you feel are going to be there whether we smoke or not. I totally thought to myself it’s totally not a good time for me to quit bc my dad passed, had two miscarriages, my dog died, got covid, was hospitalized, and quit my job after 9 years..it was too much…but staying smoking is not gonna change any of that, so why not just try to stay quit as long as I can….like really try. And if it doesn’t work out, ok I’ll try again, but at least I gave it a Girl Scouts try. Idk what I’m saying it sounds like gibberish to me now lol.
I just had a (nother) panic attack (who tf knows why lol), where I couldn’t breathe, went for a drive, took my anxiety med, and now I’m home…..2 months ago I couldn’t imagine not having a cig after that ordeal. Now, I use the air cig, candy, tiktok, my dog, something else for the time being. But believe me I still have a ways to go w self stuff too.
Anyway, so glad you’re back on the train…let’s find a good cabin and relax