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Everything posted by Paul723

  1. We have just passed our eleventh anniversary and are spending the weekend at Kure Beach NC. Janet was my realtor. The first time we went out to look at houses, I brought her currant cake cookies and coffee. I apologized for wasting part of her Saturday. We got to know each other's likes and dislikes and how we lived or wanted to live. She was 17 years older than I ( I think I have closed the gap somewhat ) so she had to get alright with that. We lived together for 4 years before getting married. I'll post the cookie recipe in a bit.
  2. The cat in my picture is Koko taken eight years ago on the first night we brought him home. Our other cat at the time, Lilly ( mixed breed Siamese ) hated Koko and hissed, growled and stalked him all afternoon. My shoulder was the first warm safe place he found so he fell asleep like a baby. I was watching soccer, the USA qualifying for the World Cup. I have lots of favorite books, I really liked The Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy O'Toole. I only dislike Summer, too hot. I want to hibernate in an air conditioned cave. My wife, Janet723, and the three cats, the third is a Siamese called Yumyum, hate how cold I make the house during the Summer.
  3. What happened to the answers I typed out last night?
  4. 14 Good morning
  5. Why do I understand almost nothing in this thread (except the cute daughter)?
  6. She's a classy lady, I hope we can attend in casual attire.
  7. Congratulations! I hope you are having a great time with your daughter! Ask her to help with photos and practice on Dottie!
  8. Paul723

    chicks or sticks

  9. Paul723

    Ask RobF

    How easy is it to ride a bike in Norwich ( re. traffic)?
  10. And you get a job mopping up after some drunken over privileged frat boys that didn't make it to the toilet in time. I insert a dozen partial bottles of booze I found
  11. I had a burn like Colleen's from a charcoal chimney starter (hot even when empty) and it did eventually heal, is that an option?
  12. 10 Hi Betsy
  13. What's your favorite pizza and who makes it?
  14. Wanna see a three eyed pig? Piiig
  15. Paul723

    chicks or sticks

  16. Congratulations! I'm looking forward to a big party this summer!
  17. 5 good morning
  18. With a very seductive voice the woman asked her husband, "Have you ever seen Twenty Dollars all crumpled up?" "No," said her husband. " She gave him a sexy little smile, unbuttoned the top 3 or 4 buttons of her blouse, and slowly reached down into the cleavage created by a soft, silky push-up bra, and pulled out a crumpled Twenty Dollar bill. He took the crumpled Twenty Dollar bill from her and smiled approvingly. She then asked him, "Have you ever seen Fifty Dollars all crumpled up?" "Uh... no, I haven't," he said, with an anxious tone in his voice. She gave him another sexy little smile, pulled up her skirt, and seductively reached into her tight, sheer panties... and pulled out a crumpled Fifty Dollar bill. He took the crumpled Fifty Dollar bill, and started breathing a little quicker with anticipation. "Now," she said, "have you ever seen $25,000 Dollars all crumpled up?" "No way!" he said, while obviously becoming even more aroused and excited, to which she replied............ "Go look in the garage."
  19. Congratulations! I really like having admin. That understands smoking and quitting; I'm glad to be on this journey with you.
  20. Congratulations! Six months is fantastic! The next six will be even better!

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