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Everything posted by DenaliBlues

  1. 8. Grow cucumbers to snack on when you get "the munchies"
  2. Eaten with salsa.
  3. 4. grow roses (Beloved by both aphids and deer at our house.)
  4. daal
  5. Gassy, terrible flatulence released daily. dunce
  6. Don't panic yet.
  7. raisin
  8. Welcome aboard the Train, @Brioski! So glad you've joined us. Way to go on being 8 days into your quit. It’s impressive that you can actually form complete sentences at this stage. 8 days into my own quit I was capable only of monosyllabic grunting noises and pathetic whimpers. You are doing great! And things will get even better. Count on it. For me, 40+ years of addiction are not pivoting overnight, but there are more gifts to quitting than I thought. I don’t stink. (Well, as long as I occasionally bathe.) I breathe easier. I’m not held hostage to the nicotine fix. My partner is really happy. No more yellow stains on my fingers. And this forum is a great resource for info, real-world experience and supportive distractions. Good for you for embracing this opportunity for yourself and your loved ones. P.S. I would pay big money to not have to go anywhere near corned beef and cabbage. Silver lining = more for others.
  9. 2. feed the deer (who refuse to eat the actual WEEDS, of course...)
  10. Pez
  11. I’m mighty peevish.
  12. yellow narcissus emerged
  13. Congratulations, @JustinHoot99. You are building up some awesome quit muscles!
  14. You got this... just NOPE. Tie yesrself down if you need to.
  15. Good thoughts. I, too, have been thinking a lot about what "hunger" is and isn't. Hunger vs. craving vs. addiction. My brother-in-law, a car mechanic, used to say about rattles: "That's why God made radios." Crank it up. KTQ.
  16. not getting younger
  17. Umami: naturally delicious edible rapture. yummo
  18. 8. Make a cat scratcher (for kittehs to pointedly ignore as they shred the rug)
  19. So thankful for the QuitTrain: the platform @MarylandQuitter, our fab moderators @Doreensfree and @jillar, and the community that comes together from everywhere. It’s good to hear stories from veterans and fellow newcomers because you all "get it." You help me stay accountable and help me understand this journey. I never expected to find a tribe when I quit smoking. But it’s nice to have people. And it’s nice not to be the only fruitloop in the bowl. Happy anniversary, QT. Thanks for being here to make my quit stronger.
  20. Good for you for saying all of this aloud @JustinHoot99. This addiction is tenacious. The farther I get into my quit, the more devious it becomes. It will resort to bargaining and deception, saying that smoking only once in a while would be comparatively harmless, that I can ration myself, that nobody needs to know... It’s all a trap. You speak truth when you say there is no such thing as “just one” smoke. Also, a perspective: My partner used to abuse substances when I was away on business trips or when she left the house alone. Her using was a problem for me, but it was the secrecy and evasion that almost destroyed our relationship. It made me realize that the “Nobody needs to know” idea is 100% Addict Mind. You’ve got a GREAT quit going. Sharing honesty is part of your strength. Your posts help me shine some light into my own dark corners, so thanks. We can do this!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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